View Full Version : I Just Saw Me In Hollywood!

02-20-2009, 09:54 AM
Last night I watched 'He's Just Not That Into You'... I didn't enjoy it much, but I did notice there were quite a few nappies as extras... Quietly in the cinema I was thinking "Yes! We're winning!"

Then, about half-way through the movie, there appeared an actress with a prominent part, who looked like me! Dark skin, a big 'fro... actually that's where the similarity ends! But I was so happy to see her, in a commercially released film with 'Hollywood A-Listers'. She represented so much to me, I wanted to congratulate her!

Her name is Nana Hill, and she's appeared in a few TV series and smaller budget films (I've never seen her before. Or maybe I have, but she didn't stand out as much in other shows!)

Just thought i'd share. Enjoy the day xxxx

02-20-2009, 12:06 PM

I got this from a blog discussing another movie she was in titled A Good Day to be Black and Sexy. Apparently it's just out on DVD?

It is cool to see yourself on the big screen. I remember seeing The Color Purple on the big screen and thinking that both the actresses playing the young sisters, but especially Nettie (Akosua Busia), looked like they could be relatives of mine. I will never forget how the black folks in the audience laughed at them though. :(

02-20-2009, 01:48 PM
Yes thats her... I found that same pic (and film) when I googled her.

I never saw The Color Purple on the big screen. We had it on VHS! Actually, it may have been recorded from the TV... must've been amazing to watch in a theatre!

02-20-2009, 01:59 PM
I loved that movie! But I don't remember her in it... what part was she in?

Oh, I just looked her up and found this http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2133717/nana...rris_emily_liu/ (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2133717/nana_hill_alisa_sherrod_natalia_morris_emily_liu/)

She's really beautiful and funny. I hope to see her in more big films soon!