View Full Version : Sick Of My Job And Wanting To Give A 2 Day Notic

05-04-2004, 12:29 AM
Here's my dilemma, my job is stressing the sh!t outta me. I work as a customer service analyst and come home everyday in a cranky mood, my chest feels tight, my brain is fried, and just plain ol b!tchy. Catch my drift? Working has literally taken the joy outta life. We're understaffed, I'm underpaid (take home pay under $2K a month) and want to leave, but at the same time I need the money just to cover the bills and care for my kids.

Anyway, I'm looking for another job and even willing to take a pay cut! If I am offered another job somewhere else, I honestly don't think I could give my current employer the standard 2 week notice. What's the consequences of not giving your employer a 2 week notice? Do potential employers ask that in interviews? When doing job reference background checks, do they check to see if a 2 week notice was given? Can someone let me know the scoop? Thanx!

05-04-2004, 12:34 AM
I don't think that anyone's going to check to see if you gave a two week notice or not, but you may want to reconsider before just leaving. The economy is pretty bad right now and I wouldn't leave another job unless I had another one to go to.

I understand your delimma. I am miserable at work and am starting to feel physically sick when I walk into the building.

Put in for some vacation time and you'll feel a little better. In the mean time, just start cranking out resumes.. at least 2 per day.

05-04-2004, 01:00 AM
I feel you kopper :app

:mad I think you have read my mine....I don't have any kids but I did just put a contract on a house (and had the hardest time getting approved because of my income) and I need every dime I manage to scrape up...

So eventhough I'd like to give that 2 day notice I think we'd better follow Peaches' advice and start cranking out those resumes :thumbsup

05-04-2004, 01:04 AM
The consequence your future employers will see when and if they run your references and employment history is "Not Eligible For Rehire"...unless the company is nasty and decides to list other unnecessary negative info...

The more short-term consequence for you is you will still be cranky and have a tight chest and you will still be stressed out...because you wont be able to pay your bills.

DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. Jobs suck sometimes, thats the nature of the workworld...but dont put yourself and your children in peril because your currently unhappy there. Quitting wont solve ANYTHING.

Find a new job first, then leave as respectfully as you can. You never know who from your current job may just be your boss again in another office...talk about awkward...and it happens often.

05-04-2004, 03:41 AM
can you take a vacation?

I took a vacation when my job was stressing me, i got a massage, got my hair twisted, did some excercise and sent out resumes. When I went back I felt good because I had made many positive steps towards making my life better. two weeks may not seem so long if you have a little break in between... besides if you give a two day notice you'll lose your paid vacation anyway, might as well use it now.

05-04-2004, 05:41 AM
I feel your pain. I just started a new job. When i come home i'm cranky and and mentally drained. We're overworked, understaffed and they have NO organization there. My coworker gets so mad he has to take a walk around the building 1 or 2 times a day to deal with the stress. I'm happy to be employed but ugggh....i fear i may have a stroke and drop dead in my cubicle. :shock

05-04-2004, 07:44 AM
I have known too many folks who just quit and then they couldn't find anything. It is easier to find another job WHEN you have another job.

YOU have the power, if need be take some vacation time and job hunt like your life depended on it and when you go back, BAM there is your notice. There has been a couple of times that I just wanted to walk off but I hurt nobody more than myself. I had to step back and plan an escape route.

Plan an escape route. Resume is updated, sent off to everybody.

Claim your power on this.

05-04-2004, 04:02 PM
@ kopper,

i feel your plight. before my current job, i had a job that i hated and that i dreaded going to each morning.

but i'm part of a two-income household, so quitting wasn't an option. i stuck it out until i found another job.

i gave them a three week notice. i did that because i didn't want to put them on the spot [do unto others]; i didn't want to burn my bridges; i didn't want to lose the respect of the people there that i did like; i didn't want to give anyone there any reason to say that there was ever a time i didn't act professionally.

i have [several years ago] quit a job on the spot and at my husband's insistance, because i was pregnant and we didn't want the negative vibes from that place to affect our baby.

good luck. i hope you can find something else without being in a financial bind.