View Full Version : Need Advice From Rns

06-06-2004, 10:30 PM
I just quit my position as a school nurse and I am looking for a new job. I have been a nurse for 3 years with only one of those in the hospital. I keep getting closed doors. So much for the "nursing shortage." I have applied everywhere.

I feel so stupid for walking away from the hospital after only a year I feel crippled to work anywhere else. The school was not for me. Too much parental drama and other issues.

My nurses out there please help me. I need to put things in perspective I need to know which direction to go.

I have been out of clinical practice for 2 years now and can't get my foot in the door.

06-07-2004, 02:57 AM
Hey there mrstwisty! Fellow RN here. Take a deep breath. I can relate to your feelings 100 percent. Do you have a BSN in Nursing? If so, have you considered public health nursing? Very challenging. A variety of experiences from maternal/child, Tuberculosis case management; foster care; working with teen mothers. You name it.

It's kind of strange. I have been a PHN for 11 years (RN for 25 years) and feel a little burned out. I met up with a former work mate who is retiring as a school nurse. It sounds very attractive; however, my fear is overall school district budget concerns and the schools covered by 1.5 school nurses is 11 elementary schools. I am very fearful of giving up ll years of seniority where I presently work. I very well may interview for the job if it opens up. Doesn't hurt to do that. You probably felt and were up against a lot of pressure and probably feel you can't get to all that you want to do in a days work. Know that you do the best you can. :heart .

Home care nursing may be an option. All levels of nursing have drama; however, wherever we can find our niche, we can and do make a difference in the lives we touch. If you feel your clinical nursing skills need polishing/refreshing, are there any local RN refresher programs available where you live? In California where I live, all licensed RNs receive a free magazine that list jobs, CEU classes, seminars, etc. Check and see if there is something similar in your state. Many states have job fairs to recruit.

Keep optimistic. There is something there for you. Take inventory of what you enjoy; how you want to make a difference. What/where are your strengths. Stay strong and your blessing will come. :heart

06-07-2004, 06:20 PM
WOW, thanks Sister1. You gave great information. Public Health Nursing? Is that like working in a clinic? Sounds doable.

School nursing is great if you have kids (I don't) or as a "retirement career" The pay is awful, but 13 weeks of vacation isn't bad!! I intended to work at the hospital during time off, but it is easy to get spoiled.

I will check into the refresher courses. I have been to every job fair they have had in the last 6 months with no bites.

Thank you so much.

PS, yes I have my BSN, just got accepted for grad school to pursue my FNP.