View Full Version : Proacvtiv Solution

09-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Sorry if this has already been put out there (the search function is not working right now), but have you used proactiv and if so, did it deliver?
I am thinking of using it for my sensitive, acne-prone skin.
Thanks in advance

09-04-2004, 05:05 PM
it didnt work for me at all, first of all before ya get it, get a cheaper product with benzoyl peroxide and see if that works for your skin a lil bit, it if does give it a try, it it makes your skin the same or even in the slight bit worse than dont even waste your time with proactiv...the benzoyl made me break out so bad in proactiv and I have thus realized I needed to take a more natural approach to skin care, I really dont recommend benzoyl period especially if you have sensitive skin(IM SENSITIVE TOO :app )...i would try feepee's skin regimen, because I have just now started getting results but it is dramatic in just this short bit of time I have tried it

09-04-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by mehogeni@Sep 4 2004, 01:05 PM
I would try feepee's skin regimen, because I have just now started getting results but it is dramatic in just this short bit of time I have tried it
Thanks Mehogeni!
Can you please elaborate on feepee's method and what kind of dramatic results you have been getting?
Oh, and when you say short period of time, how short? Hours? Days? Weeks?
I ask because I am so eager to find a skin regimen that actually delivers- and delivers quickly.
P.S: Like I said, I have sensitive, acne-prone skin. Lately, I have been breaking out at least evry other day. I don't know whether its my diet, skin regimen or the makeup I use...

Thanks for your help

09-05-2004, 12:39 AM
proactiv did work for me a couple summers back, it's expensive though and i'm looking for a cheap knockoff. my skin's acting up again.

09-05-2004, 01:37 AM
i love proactiv. and i really tell the difference when i'm tight on money and stuff runs low. i really like it. i know walmart does sell a "generic" version. you might try that.

09-05-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by sonshinescoils@Sep 4 2004, 09:37 PM
i love proactiv.
And proactiv loves you! :)
Your skin looks gorgeous Sonshine! :app

09-05-2004, 05:14 PM
I used proactiv for 3 months. It cleared my skin up within the 1st 6 weeks and then by the end of the 3rd month it was a disaster. When I started trying a natural approach I got waaaay better results than ever before.

09-05-2004, 10:26 PM
i forgot to mention, i've been using it for just over 2 years now.

09-05-2004, 10:58 PM
Proactiv did nothing for me. One of my sisters uses it and her skin is beautiful.

09-07-2004, 09:56 PM
oh yeah go to the "skin care sucess" post in this forum...i have been using it for little over a week now, I still need the black soap but with the aloe vera and lemon juice astringent someone else mentioned I have noticed and others have noticed as well, my dark spots fading and I am a picker sadly, but they disappear faster and dont leave marks, i still am not clear on one small area of my face for some reason but I am hoping the black soap will help heal and cleanse that area better ..but yeah I have sensitive skin and it has been a great change from always using harsh products, besides the benzoyl in proactive may dry out your skin and make it kinda burn like it did mine for a while....i mean these are just my individual experiences though, but I would try feepee's regimen before spending all of your money on proactive

09-08-2004, 01:22 AM
I had wonderful results with proactiv. I've been using it for just over a year now. I'd watched the infomercials several times and delayed buying the kit because I thought that it was pure hype. Eventually, I just got tired of my skin and how self-conscious it made me. I have extremely oily skin and my acne was so bad that it covered every inch of my face. I had only surface pimples though, not cystic acne. I've heard from people with the cystic kind not getting the same dramatic results. It took me about three weeks (using it twice daily) to actually notice a difference. My skin is clear, dewy and has a healty glow. Proactiv can be expensive though.

09-08-2004, 06:08 PM
I've never used Proactiv but I saw a knock-off at BJ's for about $18. The set comes with 3 products. I thought about buying it for my son. Anyone else use this?

09-09-2004, 03:56 PM
Proactiv did absolutely nothing for me, it probably even made my face worse

09-18-2004, 05:52 PM
Proactiv actually eliminated any blemishes and pimples I had. However, I was using it twice a day and my face was turning dry and peeling. I would have to use it off and on in order to stop the irritation.

I have one more set left before I am comletely out of it. I am just going to stick with something that exfoliates and gives the same results for less cash.

09-18-2004, 06:03 PM
YIIIPPPPPEEE...finally a product I CAN consider myself an advocate for:

I used and currently use ProActive and LOVE IT. I was diagnosed with a mild case of Rosacea at 19 years old. It rarely ever flared up but I am so self conscious of my face I wanted to make certain I didnt get any.

I used several different products with no luck. Then, finally in January of this year my sister and I decided to try ProActive. My sister had bad acne...PROACTIVE took care of it! She also had blemishes and it took care of them too-after about only 1 month.

Me? My case wasnt as severe. However, it has prevented flare ups, toned my skin and keeps it looking healthy!!!

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!

:heart Mimi

11-11-2006, 02:45 PM
I have been using Proactiv on and off for the past four years. Simply because I didn't feel like spending the money for it. I'm currently using it now and I really love how it makes my skin feel (very soft). A friend of mine recently started using it and she's enjoying the results. I've never had a severe case of acne, just minor blemishes every now and then. The results vary by person just like any other facial cleansing product.


11-16-2006, 08:00 PM
I used to get 1 or 2 pimples a month. I used it for a month, but didn't notice much of a difference. Maybe if I had more bumps it would have been better.

11-17-2006, 10:49 AM
I used to use Proactive and had very good results. I had the occasional acne breakouts and this product cleared them up very well. Due to unemployment though, I could no longer afford it.

When I stopped using it, I suffered a very bad breakout and my skin looked horrible. I realized that the product was good, but to maintain my beautiful clear skin I would have to become a slave to it. That I was not about to do.

I begin to read different methods online and found some drugstore products that give me great results.

11-17-2006, 01:50 PM
Sorry if this has already been put out there (the search function is not working right now), but have you used proactiv and if so, did it deliver?
I am thinking of using it for my sensitive, acne-prone skin.
Thanks in advance

I understand what you are going through. I've been using ProActiv for about two years. When you first use ProActiv, you will realize that it will get worse before it gets better. ProActiv will bring out what's in your skin and treat it.

Personally, I had to cut my treatments down to every other day. While it gets rid of my acne, it seems to leave my face feeling like I have sunburn. I literally have to put vaseline on my face to sooth my face the night of treatment. It's seems a bit much, but until I find another, inexpensive product that works, I will stick with ProActiv.

11-20-2006, 05:44 PM
I understand what you are going through. I've been using ProActiv for about two years. When you first use ProActiv, you will realize that it will get worse before it gets better. ProActiv will bring out what's in your skin and treat it.

Personally, I had to cut my treatments down to every other day. While it gets rid of my acne, it seems to leave my face feeling like I have sunburn. I literally have to put vaseline on my face to sooth my face the night of treatment. It's seems a bit much, but until I find another, inexpensive product that works, I will stick with ProActiv.


11-20-2006, 09:46 PM
For those who used original Proactive and found it harsh, they DO make a senstitive formula, and I use and LOVE it. I tried to go to an all natural routine using Black soap, but it burns my skin. I have been using Proactive for about 2 1/2 weeks, and I am taking pics each week in order to monitor the changes and put them in my album. I am SUPER excited about the changes!! I DID see some extra pinples at first, but I think my pores were just being cleared, PLUS it was "my time". My sister's skin looks absolutely FABULOUS after using it. I found the original formula too harsh. Benzoyl peroxide is simply NOT for me. They don't advertise the sensitive skin formula, so word of mouth will have to do until the demand is greater, I guess. It is a 4 piece kit, with two different moisturizers-one for daytime, and one for nighttime.

12-02-2006, 03:37 PM
Proactive worked wonders for my skin, and ive stuck with it now for over a year! It can stop working after a while though because the bacteria in your skin can build up a resistance to it. This happened to me so the dermatologist gave me Retin-A to use in combination with the proactive and i've been VERY happy with the results.

Give it a try, its definitely worth it.

12-04-2006, 01:54 AM
I use Proativ, but not every day, only when I see trouble brewing on my face - and I only put the stuff on at night as it will bleach the collars of your shirts if you have put it around your jawline. I found that using it every day dried my skin out too much + I have rosacea, and it acts up at the worst time. It's a real balancing act as far as which products I use on which days.

I tried the fake Proactiv in the drug stores to save money - that mess set my face on fire! All it did was make the problem worse.

Buying the large size of the Proativ products that I use the most seems to work (like the acne lotion) and a kit for the other items saves me money because the cleanser, toner, and mask in the kit last me twice as long as the acne lotion because I don't use them as much. If you compare Proactiv to Dermalogica and several other brands on the market, it's not expensive. Plus, they have a 100% guarantee - just return it if you don't like it.

NOTE: If you buy Proactiv from a kiosk in a mall, do not buy with cash or check if you can avoid it - getting a refund when you pay this way is a PITA. Use your credit card instead - you'll get your money back with less hassle and a lot sooner.

12-04-2006, 03:31 AM
On a lot of people Proactiv will ahve a good effect...but if you stop using it...your face will break out...I've seen this happen to a lot of people (myself incliued)

12-10-2006, 09:16 AM
I used to use Proactiv, but stopped because I felt it was too expensive. It did work to help clear up my pimples, though. I've realized that my skin clears up if I use any type of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. So, right now I'm using the Equate version of Cetaphil, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide that came from a Klear Action acne kit that I have, and Neutrogena Healthy defense moisturizer. The blemishes are going slowly.....

12-11-2006, 10:40 PM
Yeah, the price sucks. I usually change my shipment frequency so that it'll be more than 8 weeks for me to get another shipment. In between time I use Dove beauty bar for sensitive skin and witch hazel followed by Clean & Clear Persa Gel