View Full Version : Coloring

09-18-2004, 01:28 AM
I put a permanent color in my hair this summer and now I'm tired of it. I want to now color my hair jet black. Is there something I should do to prepare my hair for coloring again? Am I harming my hair? What hair coloring product is good for me to use? :rainfro Thanks.

09-22-2004, 03:23 AM
Hi. I looked around and found this:

Quick FixesÂ

The only way to remove permanent hair color is with a color removal product. Depending on the color that you selected, you may be able to cover the permanent color with a semi or demi-color. Enlist the advise of the color manufacturer before you start experimenting with different coverage shades.


Note: Now, I don't know how much of this applies to locked hair--just putting the info out there. :)

09-23-2004, 02:56 PM
I actually had the same problem this summer. I had highlighted the ends of my hair and after a few weeks I didn't like it anymore. (And I got a whole bunch of lint stuck in my hair) And I wanted to dye my hair jet black. For me, I don't think it was harmful. I waited maybe 5-6 weeks in between and my entire head was not dyed at first anyway.
In your situation it might be best to consult a colorist (who works on natural hair). I always say consulting a professional is best when it comes to hair color (or any chemical) because you don't want to make a mistake that could take out your hair.

09-23-2004, 10:44 PM
I got my locs lightened this past spring and I just dyed them back to jet black a few weeks ago. no problem. I just used Dark and Lovely that I bought at Sally's.