View Full Version : Santeria: Disguise Or Religious Fusion?

06-12-2003, 11:45 PM
I have read two different biographies of experiences in Santeria (Lucumi). One seemed to describe the "worship" of the Catholic Saints as a defense mechanism...the African people hid their Gods with Saints to appease their white oppressors. This view maintains that the Saints are nothing more than a cover, and that the similarities between each orisa and corresponding Saint was a happy coincidence allowing generations of practitioners to remember which Orisa was hidden by which Saint.

On the other hand, I am currently reading an account where it seems the author was taught that the Orisa had manifested themselves as the Saints, so in essence, the Saints *are* actually the Orisa. This belief seems plausible since the characteristics shared between each Orisa and his/her corresponding Saint are so similar (down to their representative colors). Once the African captives witnessed the Saints, some may have joyously concluded that their African Gods had come to reunite with them disguised as images of white people.

This seems to be a topic of debate. I was already familiar with the former teaching, but the latter is new to me. It's interesting. Opinions?

06-12-2003, 11:48 PM
lmao@the orisa coming back as white folk.

that sounds like eshu runamuck

06-13-2003, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by afrikankween@Jun 12 2003, 11:48 PM
lmao@the orisa coming back as white folk.

that sounds like eshu runamuck
LOL, yeah, that sounds like some pretty wild eshu antics.

I don't think the "Orisa=Saints" point of view limits the Orisa to the Saints...I think it considers the Saints to be a manifestation of the Orisa. However, some people (both Catholics and Lucumi) argue strongly against this.

I don't have a strong stance against this idea, since I think all religions are looking at the same thing but from different vantage points. On the other hand, I do "like" the idea of reverting Lucumi back to its more non-hidden (non-Catholic) nature. It's such a beautiful religion that's been buried for so long, it deserves to stand proud and free of its cloak.