View Full Version : Burned Skin?

02-28-2005, 05:15 PM
[FONT=Impact] Okay...I gotta problem....I was using this Dr. Bronners Tea Tree oil soap on my face because I heard it was good at getting rid of acne :dunno: But after the first few times I tried it I noticed my face got really dry....but I thought that meant it was working....But about a week later I woke up and my husband said why are you looking so dark? And I know it didn't happen over night, but it looks as if my skinned has been burned! I am not a BIG makeup fan..but I have had to put it on because the discoloration looks horrible....I recently started using unrefined shea butter and AVG to try to bring my skin tone back out..is it possible that my skin has been permanently discolored...or how can I fix it....Am I on the right track? Please help! :doh

02-28-2005, 11:42 PM
Tea tree oil in itself is very harsh and should be diluted...And Dr. Bronner's soap should be REALLY diluted before used on the face. It was probably too harsh for your face and your skin reacted unfavorably.

If I were you, I'd swith to a *mild* facial cleanser, something like castile soap (dilute), or switch to Dr Bronner's Lavender soap (dilute dilute dilute I part soap, 3 parts water) and pamper your skin with some pure aloe vera gel. Both aloe vera and shea butter are good for healing and eventually fading scars.

Unfortunately, my scars take forever to fade...but they are getting there. I have sensitive, acne prone skin.


03-01-2005, 12:19 AM
Yes, the castile soap is supposed to be diluted, please don't use it full strength. For now, I'd take a break and use some aloe gel for healing.