View Full Version : Ohhh It Is Soft

09-13-2005, 03:55 PM
The other day I blow dried my hair for the frist time on a warm setting. (I chopped in January. I now have about 7 inches of hair.)
anywho I am loving it, I never knew how long it was. I am glad I waited so long to blow dry cause I was very surprised. I took pic but who knows when I will learn to put them up.

I am with a friend of mine. and He always comments on how much he loves my hair. When he saw me with it blowdried...he almost died. He was like where did u get all that hair. He could not stop looking. His roomate thought it was a wig. His roomate reaches to touch it and says "oooh it is soft. I though it was gonna be all rough and hard" He continues to say that he thought he was gonna cut his hand in my hair and he could not believe how soft it felt....

I dont know why it kinda bothered me but it did.

another comment.

That same day I am walking to Borders from my car and I hear

"ooooh gurl how u doinnnnnn??

I look over and it is three middle aged white guys?? They sounded just like black girls or something. Two of them are waving real hard trying to get me to look and one is looking down and embarressed.

I say " I am doing very well thank you. How are you doing" In my very professional voice. I am wondering if they thought just cause I have an afro that is how to get my attention?

09-13-2005, 04:14 PM
I hear you. I think it's quite ridiculous how some people think our hair literally feels like brillo(I know that's not what he said, but I've heard our hair described as such). I don't understand how they could even think that. Wouldn't we have cut up hands ourselves from doing our hair? You got to be a retard to think that metal grows out of our heads.Sheesh, that would make me feel a bit upset too if someone told me that. And those guys were probably tryna act hip or just plain stupid. I hate when they do that, especially the "soul sista" phrase they like to throw at us. :angry:

09-13-2005, 04:31 PM
Of course they think it’s brillo. Probably because so many of US are running to get it “maintained”. It “must” be bad, harsh, and untouchable if there is a billiondollar industry out there to keep it from looking that way. They’re not stupid. The commercials run all day. Do you remember that Pink Luster’s commercial? During the commercial the woman goes from a fresh p.erm –Oooh Girl! To needing a touch up—Oooh Girl! :Angry_boese008:

That last guy probably had his head down because he was trying to figure out what was going on in his pants. Why am I getting so turned on by this Black Nubian Princess? :wub: He was confused girl, that’s all.

As far as OUR men thinking they’re gonna cut their hands—bad upbringing.

09-13-2005, 04:33 PM
This happened to me in grammar school. I had a girl come up behind me to run a comd through it as insult but she was left with her mouth open when it went straight through. I guess no shine = ruff as rocks to some. PPL are stupid. I don't cae what ppl say or how they look at my hair anymore. Most of the time I just stare back at folks.

09-13-2005, 04:37 PM
"That last guy probably had his head down because he was trying to figure out what was going on in his pants. Why am I getting so turned on by this Black Nubian Princess? He was confused girl, that’s all. "

that was too funny..... Beautiful_Vision.

That is prolly what it was too....

09-13-2005, 06:03 PM
This is probably going to sound real ignorant, but I just had the same reaction to my own hair today. I went to the barber to get my TWA shaped. I had a colleague cut it a week and a half ago, but I knew it wasn't even all over. Anyway, he washed it, blew it out and shaped it up really nice. As I was driving home, I touched it and I couldn't believe how soft it was. :wub: I had been wearing wash and go's since I cut it. It was way softer than my blown out relaxed hair ever was. I remember the day I had it cut, I blew it out and didn't bother smoothing it down with a curling iron, which I had to do to get it looking "silky smooth"...oh how far I've come. It was no where near soft...so now I can't wait until this stuff grows and I can rock a big, soft, fluffy fro! :afro: Who knew...I didn't until today. Just my :2cents:

09-13-2005, 08:38 PM
Yeah I get that to "your hair is soft" I am like o.k. How was it suppose to feel? Now my mom had me rolling one day b/c I was in her bathroom and I said who uses that stasosof afro spray she says her Dh b/c his hair is like a brillo pad. I laugh every time I think about it b/c this is my moms DH and she was dead serious when she said it. My mom is a trip.

09-13-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Beautiful_Vision@Sep 13 2005, 12:31 PM
Of course they think it’s brillo. Probably because so many of US are running to get it “maintained”. It “must” be bad, harsh, and untouchable if there is a billion dollar industry out there to keep it from looking that way. They’re not stupid. The commercials run all day.

^^ that's what I call a breakdown, short and to the point ^_^

One of my mom's friends wears her hair . . . . well, she fry rakes it every week so it's not really natural, it's just not permed....anyway, she saw me in the parking lot at the mall and she came up to me and said "your hair looks so nice," then she touched it and said " it's so soft too. it's not all, you know, hard and stuff." Then she proceeded to tell me that because she has "Motherland hair" that her hair couldn' be as soft at mine :smil3f9cfa4a8d9af: :smil3f9cfa4a8d9af: :smil3f9cfa4a8d9af: .