View Full Version : 2nd rollerset!!!! WOW.

12-02-2003, 04:21 PM
Unfortunately I don't have a digital camera, otherwise I would post the pictures.

My rollerset came out great!!! My hair is shiny and has body. I know everyone at work was wondering if I got a relaxer. They didn't ask so I didn't tell. :)

Anyway, I no pooed with Daily Defense Tender Apple conditioner and my Denman to detangle. I applied Fantasia IC Styling Foam, and used a medium toothed comb to smooth out the hair (something I did not do the 1st time). I used a medium sized pink snap on roller from Sally beauty suppy and sat under the dryer for about 50 minutes. I let it cool, took the rollers out covered with a satin scarf and went to bed.

The next morning, I put some Beyond the Zone Frizz Zapper on my hands and finger combed the curls. Absolutely gorgeous. :bis .

The colder weather probably helped too. Anyway, today it is just as jazzy and smooth. :yaisse2 . I wrapped a scarf under the curls and kinda pushed them up last night. I also sleep on a satin pillow. :rainfro

12-02-2003, 04:36 PM
Congratulations! Hope you are able to post some pics soon. I tried a rollerset 2 weeks ago and the first time I used medium-sized bendy rollers and it came out looking like a perm. The second time I tried it, I used straws and it came out looking like a very short jerri curl. So, I'm very curious to see what others' rollersets look like.

12-06-2003, 06:36 PM
it tried the banding twice...once with twists and once juss a fro...it really prevented shrinkage...i used alot of lil scuncis

12-06-2003, 07:38 PM
Great! I'm gonna try this tonight for church instead of hot combing.