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Brown Rose
02-20-2003, 03:26 AM
I am in the midst of creating the ultimate hair tonic, for myself in order to promote scalp stimulation without cloging the pores.

I was hoping I would get naptural input on these ingredients:

Tea Tree Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Rosemary Oil

Has anyone had reasonable success with these?


02-20-2003, 04:54 AM
Hey Brown Rose,

I personally don't have enough experience to answer your question as far as scalp simulation is concerned with these ingredients. Hopefully another napptural sistah can.

I do know that massaging the scalp will stimulate it and get the blood flow going. :D

02-20-2003, 05:02 AM
I know that Rosemary has been proven to promote hair growth and that Tea Tree is supposed to prevent dry/ithcy scalp....there are LOTS of websites out there, so maybe you can try to do a search on these oils and their benefits :)

02-20-2003, 01:48 PM
Rosemary and Bergamont are known to increase scalp stimulation (hence hair growth). I'm not at home now, but I have a book on natural cosmetic making and I can give you some information that may be helpful.

Brown Rose
02-20-2003, 05:13 PM
For your timely input. :)

NappGirl, I will try to massage my scalp more. I have not done that in a while, and I am sure it will feel relaxing too. :)

Melanzim, I was too lazy to do a google search last night, after coming home from work, school, and then hitting the books, so I thought I would field my question here.

Ashrob123, that would be lovely, when you have the time and inclination. I visited one natural hair site that stated that using aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, and joboba oil, would do wonders to your skin and face. I am pretty familiar with the properties of Jojoba Oil but have never heard of tea tree oil working as a skin ingredient.

02-20-2003, 06:40 PM
I just added rosemary oil to my special hair concoction. My aromatherapy book says that it's excellent for stimulating scalp and Ive noticed that since Ive been using it (almost a week) I have less itchy scalp. I also added geranium and rosewood because they are said to be good for dry hair and increasing shine in dark hair.

I havent used tea tree oil yet but I plan to use it as a scalp cleanser once i put braids in.

Brown Rose
02-20-2003, 07:23 PM
I will have to try geranium and rosewood , since my hair does have a tendency to dry out. Great, I am on the right track with tea tree and rosemary oil.

Thanks for your input :)

02-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Rosemary and sage oil, especially when combined are really good for hair growth. Peppermint stimulates the scalp, feels really good and i looove the smell.

Brown Rose
02-21-2003, 01:01 AM
I do have some sage oil, but I have to try peppermint and see how that works. With all these great ideas for scalp stimulation, my hair might reach my bra strap by Christmas! :)

02-22-2003, 03:36 PM
OK. Finally made it home :lol:

For hair growth the following plants and essential oils have historically been used:

aloe vera
stinging nettle

Essential oils
ylang ylang

For stimulating scalp

Essential Oils

Tea Tree is the only essential oil that is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. It can be used directly on the skin, but I usually dilude it because I have really sensitive skin.

Personally I use Rosemary in just about everything that I make. Not only do I love the smell it also helps with preventing hair loss and strengthening thin hair.

Have you ever thought of making an herbal rinse or spray? Birch, nettles and burdock are the staples for most hair products that call themselves natural, but they usually don't put in enough to make a difference. When I used that rinse, I saw a dramatic change in the health of my hair.

Let me know if I can provide any more information, including what specific essential oils/herbs do.

Brown Rose
02-25-2003, 01:18 PM
Excuse the delay in my response, but I just wanted to thank you for getting back to me so promptly and providing this list of oils for further edification. :)

I do have rosewood and geranium for scalp stimulation. I will probably mix them with jojoba oil as well as a dash of tea tree oil for my scalp, but I was also wondering will these help in encouraging hair growth. I am not sure how long my hair nor my proper hair type, although at a guest it is probably 4a or 4b and I know that this type of hair is more fragile and hence must likely to break off.

Any suggestions to stem extra shedding and promote more growth.

Thanks again for all the information your provided. :)

02-25-2003, 09:21 PM
Rosemary and Bergamont are known to increase scalp stimulation (hence hair growth). I'm not at home now, but I have a book on natural cosmetic making and I can give you some information that may be helpful.

Hello Ashrob,

Do you mind sharing the name and author of the book that you have on natural cosmetics? I would greatly appreciate

02-25-2003, 10:19 PM

It's called Creating Your Own Cosmetics Naturally by Nikolaus J. Smeh. Its a pretty good book. I've used a couple of the recipes. He gives ways to avoid harmful cosmetic products. A lot of what he uses is not necessarily roots and berrys. But it does give you alternatives which are cool. I have very sensitive skin and find myself breaking out with just the slightest bit of anything. This book explained why. Because cosmetics are not regulated, companies are allowed to use just about anything, even if it most people get rashes from it!

03-03-2003, 04:43 PM
i have been using the almond oil as my oil of choice. i use rosemary eo, peppermint eo and lavender eo added to the oil as a scalp massage. i also use tea tree and rosemary in the oil as my anti-itch treatment.

03-05-2003, 08:25 PM

Thank you!!! I am going to look for that book.

03-05-2003, 09:28 PM
tea tree oil smells horrible to me, so I don't use it. I understand it's good for itchy scalp and as an antiseptic.

sweet almond oil is really good in my hair. it's very light and I use it in my shea cream and my hot oil treaments.