View Full Version : Body Fat Percentage

12-04-2006, 05:03 PM
I went to my school rec center today to get my body fat percentage measured. They used some type of scale I can't remember the name anyway, it said it had a 5% margin or error. From what it said....I have 32% body fat!! The healthy (upper level of acceptablity) range for a female stopped at 27% . My question is...does this hold true for black women too? Does anyone know? I know some of us tend to be a little thicker....

I'm going to go back sometime this week for a more accurate test where they pinch your skin or sometihng..I dunno he was explaning it to me...but I think that I was too upset about hearing about my body fat percentage. The thing that is really throwing me off too is that I've been working out 5x weekly. I know my diet needs an overhaul but at the moment convience and price are big factors in what I am limited to. I eventually want to go towards a vegetarian diet because it seems so much healthier....in addition to me being told in the past by a doctor that my cholesterol was borderline high.

Also what are ways one can go about getting their body fat percentage down?
My areas that I know have more fat than others (#1 my butt!! #2 my thighs #3 breasts---if they count)

Just some of my stats if needed for refrence:

I am 21(about to be 22 in 3 days)
I weigh 159.4 lbs
I am 5'9 in height

Additionally I'm not trying to make excuses for myself or anything....I just need to know how to potentially interpret these findings, and what I can do to better myself.

Thanks in advance for the help! :) :wub:

12-11-2006, 09:12 PM
oh i know that body fat percentage can be a shocker when you first hear it. i'm over the 30% range as well and believe me i really didnt like the proof that i was a lardy mcfat pants (hope that doesnt offend anyone, :lol: )

fat is fat regardless of ethnicity. there arent different ranges for blacks whites and asians. jut men and women.

also working out wont have much of an affect if you're eating high fat foods or lots of calories and given that the serving sizes are out of control most people eat alot more than they think they are. i was doing that for awhile. i have no problems with working out, it's just recently that i started to make efforts to improve my eating habits.

as for reducing body fat a combination of weight training, cardio, healthy eating and commitment would do it.

good luck :)

12-11-2006, 09:22 PM
I was wondering about the readings too because although I'm short and I have been overweight, I'm not now and I'm actually quite muscular but my body fat percentage on the scale was over 30% as well. What in the heck?