View Full Version : Computer Careers

02-28-2004, 05:07 PM
Just thinking about my current major and how it might not be what I want to do now.

I really have a love and interest for computers, but just wanted to hear from others that have been down the road I'm trying to go down right now and know the real deal.

What are some good careers or fields to focus on for computer majors who are looking for a good salary? I also want to go on to get a masters so I guess I just want to hear some other experiences.....

Thanks in advance for all advice you ladies have to give..... :)


02-29-2004, 12:07 PM
The IT field is not what it use to be. I would look into areas that can't be outsourced like IT security or anything handling 'data', like a Database Administrator or a Data Analyst. System Administrator is good too. So many of the jobs are being outsourced to the following foreign countries (India, China and Russia). Right now a lot of Programmers, Developers, Tech Support people are out of work. I'm hearing there's a flood of website designers. I've been in it for about 5 years. I have an Associates and I'm going back to school to get my Bachelor's degree. My goal is to become a Database Administrator. I'd like to work as a Programmer first and work my way up to that position, if all the Programmer jobs haven't been shipped away. I put up a post about Database Administration and got some great advice. I'm also working on a 'backup plan' outside of IT.

I would go to www.brainbuzz.com and click on Employment/Discussions so you can read about others in the IT field. :)

03-01-2004, 02:15 AM
KhymFree gave you some good info/advice...

I've been in the field about 4 years, and when I went back to school, I did a lot of research about job-titles, descriptions and skills, before I got to my core courses, so I could focus on matching my skills to those demanded by the industry.

Some of my favorite sites for info:
Bureau of Labor Stats - Wage & Salary info (http://www.bls.gov/bls/blswage.htm)
BLS's Occupational Handbook (http://www.bls.gov/oco/)
Monster.com's Technology Board (http://technology.monster.com/)
Also, talk to your school's CIS/CS department's advisors, or undergrad students for additional ideas/info about internships, and prospects.

My personal experience: the industry is demanding (not necessarily tough). Experience carries more weight than skills/certifications and degrees are a must-have (at least a BS in IT major). Your skills have to be broad for any career path, since programmers do some dBase work, Network Admins write low-complexity programs, and DBA's may at times complete infrastructure (Network Admin) tasks.

Also, folks from other Business-related fields are still being recruited for IT related positions. Ex. Business Analysts (usually COMM) Web Designer (Graphic Artists), Web Analysts or Project Managers (generally requires MGT exp. & IT knowledge), Technical/Content Writers (ENGL or COMM degrees) and people to facilitate global relationships (IT/INT'L BIZ dual degrees/exp).

Good luck sis, and I wish you the best - there really aren't enuff women/sistas in the field so I hope you do transition & succeed in this field. :app

03-01-2004, 12:04 PM
Thank you ladies for the abundance of advice given in only 2 replies. It has definitely been helpful. I have an appointment with someone from the CS department on Friday and then with my advisor before making anything final. I would love to start a focus on this field even though from reading some message boards online people are still complaining about being out of work, that's scary.... :-? I hope all goes well and thanks for the encouragement Saga.. :)


03-02-2004, 08:12 PM
Just wanted to BUMP my topic to see if any of you other ladies out there had advice.... :)


03-05-2004, 02:08 AM
You may want to scan the Salary Thread. I think 2 other sistas said they were in the IT field, and you might want to PM them. :thumbsup