View Full Version : Pootin Pomeranian

07-06-2007, 10:16 PM
I have a 4 year old Pomeranian named Bear and this sucka is pootin up a storm! His farts smell like human farts! UGH! I don't know what he ate or got into but he never poots like this.

Anybody ever had this problem with your fartin pets?

07-07-2007, 05:06 PM
Yep. You're officially not the only one.

My dog Shaky (a dachshund mix) lets out these raunchy SBD's like once a day. And then my husband or my kids ask me if I was the one who farted. :blush:

Believe me, if it was me, they would know ;)

07-07-2007, 05:16 PM
If dogs don't poot, they'd explode


07-07-2007, 05:34 PM
:pointlaugh: :lol: @ the thread title..

07-07-2007, 07:22 PM
Yep. You're officially not the only one.

My dog Shaky (a dachshund mix) lets out these raunchy SBD's like once a day. And then my husband or my kids ask me if I was the one who farted. :blush:

Believe me, if it was me, they would know ;)

When my mom is around, I always say it was her(even though I know it was the dog). She hates that....lol

This dog stunk up the whole house today. The smell was all in my throat. I even smelled it when we left the house. I hope he gets over whatever he's going through right now.

07-08-2007, 08:39 PM
I have a 4 year old Pomeranian named Bear and this sucka is pootin up a storm! His farts smell like human farts! UGH! I don't know what he ate or got into but he never poots like this.

Anybody ever had this problem with your fartin pets?

Funky farts are from diets. What are you feeding Bear? I had this problem when I first got Lenox but after I switched his food from Science Diet to Solid Gold no more funky farts. He used to be able to clear a room!

07-09-2007, 06:07 AM
I've got a 4 year old pomeranian and a 13 year old hound mix.. Both of them can release some foul smelling poots. The 13 year old's are the absolute worst-- he's definitely got the "old man fart" thing down.

09-05-2007, 12:48 PM
CoCo was stinking up my apartment something fierce. I swear she would wait until she curled up in my lap and let one of them silent killers loose, and then she would look at me all sad-eyed when I would kick her butt off the sofa.

But I figured out it was the cheese that was doing it. I keep those Kraft cheese crumbles for my salads and would give her a crumble or two, which she loved. But it was doing a number on her digestive system and on my nose because that little 3 lb. terror could rip one to make a grown man cry. :lol:

10-13-2007, 09:09 AM
My kitten poots like that. She is just getting used to the litter box and I am so scared that I am going to find a steaming pile of crap in the corner! So every time I smell her, I take her to her litterbox to see if she has to use it.

10-18-2007, 05:09 PM
You can mix PLAIN, unsweetend yogurt in his food to help with gas. I've done it w/ mine and it helps! A teaspoon or two should do it for his size.