View Full Version : Eliminating Milk/Dairy

Natural Kinks
03-06-2004, 07:02 PM
Okay I just ended week two of no dairy and all that I can say is I don't think ANY of us realized how much dairy was in the things that we eat. Geez...I am wondering though about how far to take it. The other day I got some chee-tos out of the machine and had to trash them when I saw that milk was in them - CHEE-TOS? For those of you who have eliminated milk or dairy do you not eat anything with milk in it?

03-06-2004, 07:23 PM

I stay away from junk foods basically. If I see milk, eggs, whey, casein, sugar, bleached flour, white rice, etc. listed in the ingredients of something that I want, I put it back because I don't eat those foods.

It's not difficult. You just have to read the labels!

03-06-2004, 07:39 PM
honey, just the whole way we eat in America is just plain WRONG! This morning my daughter was telling me that milk "really" comes from the ground - I knew that - but I wanted her to explain and she said that the cows eat the grass and we get the milk from the cows, so why are we running to cows milk for calcium when we can get it from the ground?? Makes ya say hmmmmm don't it? Mind you she's not a big milk drinker, but she can tear up some greens, salmon and beans, all good non-dairy sources.

03-07-2004, 11:14 AM
Try the following link to learn more about eliminating dairy products from your diet. It's a fun and informative site! :)

Milk Sucks (http://www.milksucks.com/index2.html)

I have lived without dairy products for almost 4 years now and have felt much healthier, stronger and happier. When I first stopped my intake of dairy products, I didn't really know how to supplement the protein I had gotten rid of, and as a result felt very tired and lacked energy. However, since learning how to eat balanced vegan meals I feel great.

Dairy exists in so many of our products because the dairy product industry in the U.S. and beyond is very powerful and well-invested in keeping the majority of the population brainwashed and eating something which really isn't necessary or good. I feel your frustration and have had to buy simpler, less processed foods in general to ensure that dairy products aren't "sneaking" their way in.

All the best on your journey! :heart :heart :heart

03-08-2004, 02:03 AM
i also had a few suggestions for "quick" dairy-free snacks in case you are on the run.

1. soy yogurt
2. pretzels (99% of the time they are dairy-free) and typically found in machines
3. luna and cliff bars (completely free of dairy and yummy! i like dulce de leche and cherry covered chocolate the best!)
4. smoothies (from places like blenders in the grass and java juice, just beware of the excess sugar in some of these)
5. some coffee shops keep a stash of fresh fruit on hand (fruit cups, fresh bananas, oranges, etc).
6. bagels are usually dairy free, sometimes they use eggs but often they are just "water" bagels. Instead of creme cheese or butter, try peanut butter or jelly, or even mustard if you are adventurous.
7. Try making a vegetable sandwich! The first time I saw someone do this, I couldn't fathom it, but if your work or school has a cafeteria, you can get a few slices of bread and use vegetables from the salad bar to make some very interesting sandwiches. Cucumbers, peppers, avocado, onions, lettuce and hummus all make great sandwiches. If you can find the ingredients of the salad dressings, check to see if they are dairy free and top your sandwich with some. I know most french dressings are dairy free and usually honey mustard is. But be careful with italian dressings, they often contain cheese or milk cultures.
8. Also from the salad bar you could get a bunch of "stick" veggies (carrots, cucumber, zucchini, celery, etc) and dip it in hummus or dressing.
9. nature's valley granola bars (oat and honey variety) can sometimes make appearances in snack machines and do not contain dairy.
10. If you're looking for some caffeine and you can't stand black coffee, try black tea with lemon instead.

:heart :heart :heart

03-08-2004, 04:33 AM
I've been slowly changing my diet and that I find hard. I luv chocolate and I jonez for it. Is there a good substitute? i've cut cold turkey but binged after a week, I really want to change. :offtopic I don't eat red meat and pork, but how have some of you sub chicken , chocolate for healthier foods for long periods.

Queen Amina

ps. thank you for ths subs snacks ysaiy

03-08-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by queenamina@Mar 7 2004, 11:33 PM
I've been slowly changing my diet and that I find hard. I luv chocolate and I jonez for it. Is there a good substitute? i've cut cold turkey but binged after a week, I really want to change. :offtopic I don't eat red meat and pork, but how have some of you sub chicken , chocolate for healthier foods for long periods.

Queen Amina

ps. thank you for ths subs snacks ysaiy
My body actually began rejecting meat, seafood and poultry and so, hence, my vegetarianism. I voluntarily gave up the dairy and eggs, etc. I've NEVER been one for chocolate...it stinks and tastes bad to me.

Have you tried substituting foods....such as eating fruit instead of chocolate? Also, have a tried a cleansing fast to rid yourself of the taste of it?

03-09-2004, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by queenamina@Mar 7 2004, 08:33 PM
I've been slowly changing my diet and that I find hard. I luv chocolate and I jonez for it. Is there a good substitute?

What's so bad about chocolate? It comes from a plant. Basically it's the additives: extreme amounts of processed sugar, creme, dairy products, preservatives. there is really no need to "substitute" chocolate. although some people enjoy eating carob as a substitute, it doesn't seem to have any advantages over basic chocolate. Chocolate is believed to have medicinal powers by the indigenous groups it was co-opted from in Mexico by colonizing Europeans. That's when it got all messed up and turned into hershey's kisses and snickers bars. get back in touch with the roots of chocolate and it will be alright :thumbsup

I also enjoy chocolate occasionally. My mom is a real chocolate fanatic. Sometimes I make her hot chocolate using fresh chocolate that I have to grind myself with unflavored soy milk and a little bit of sweetener. If I have a chocolate craving, I usually get a pint of soy ice cream (I've been hooked on Soy Delicious - Rocky Road lately). I try not to eat these types of things more than 2X a month, but when women's issues creep around, things can get a little bit out of hand.
If you bake or prepare meals with chocolate, try finding an organic, unsweetened pure chocolate and see what you can do with it.

:heart :heart :heart

03-12-2004, 05:21 PM
Carob tastes similar to chocolate and has a few vitamins and minerals and less calories as well. You should be able to find carob chips and powder at health food stores. Again, it doesn't have the exact texture and taste as chocolate, but it's close.

03-12-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by ysaiy@Mar 7 2004, 08:03 PM
i also had a few suggestions for "quick" dairy-free snacks in case you are on the run.

1. soy yogurt
2. pretzels (99% of the time they are dairy-free) and typically found in machines
3. luna and cliff bars (completely free of dairy and yummy! i like dulce de leche and cherry covered chocolate the best!)
4. smoothies (from places like blenders in the grass and java juice, just beware of the excess sugar in some of these)
5. some coffee shops keep a stash of fresh fruit on hand (fruit cups, fresh bananas, oranges, etc).
6. bagels are usually dairy free, sometimes they use eggs but often they are just "water" bagels. Instead of creme cheese or butter, try peanut butter or jelly, or even mustard if you are adventurous.
7. Try making a vegetable sandwich! The first time I saw someone do this, I couldn't fathom it, but if your work or school has a cafeteria, you can get a few slices of bread and use vegetables from the salad bar to make some very interesting sandwiches. Cucumbers, peppers, avocado, onions, lettuce and hummus all make great sandwiches. If you can find the ingredients of the salad dressings, check to see if they are dairy free and top your sandwich with some. I know most french dressings are dairy free and usually honey mustard is. But be careful with italian dressings, they often contain cheese or milk cultures.
8. Also from the salad bar you could get a bunch of "stick" veggies (carrots, cucumber, zucchini, celery, etc) and dip it in hummus or dressing.
9. nature's valley granola bars (oat and honey variety) can sometimes make appearances in snack machines and do not contain dairy.
10. If you're looking for some caffeine and you can't stand black coffee, try black tea with lemon instead.

:heart :heart :heart
ok, i gotta print this for a grocery store reference.

I've been having a difficult time giving up cheese. but yesterday i went online to notmilk.com again to remind myself of why i'm giving up dairy... EWWWWW!!! I gotta take it one day at a time. All i KNOW is cheese and my intestines DO NOT get along and i need to leave it alone for that reason, if not any other.

03-12-2004, 08:35 PM
I gave up dairy products about a year ago, believe me my system is so, so much better because of it.

I use to take lactaid, I found myself needing to take about 4-6 a day.....that was a bit much so I decided if my body was rejecting it why was I spending money on supplements to "force" it in, that's when I decided to give them up all together. It was VERY hard, I still miss eating pizza and ice cream the most, mine is so bad I can't even eat cheese-itz, or any of the cheese and sour cream type potato chip with cheese, the only dairy I eat now is butter/margarine, sometimes

Yeah, NotMilk.com breaks it down :cen

I want to become a vegetarian but I don't think it will as easy to give up meat as it was dairy :-P

05-26-2005, 03:33 AM
Thanks for the great info guys!

I'm moving towards less dairy in my diet. I've cut out the 2% milk and yogurt and I feel so much less congested than I used to be.

Here's the thing, I loooove cheese I haven't had any in a while but does anyone know any good substitutes? I don't mind if it contains rennet because I'm trying to get rid of dairy, although, I eat chicken very rarely and I'm thinking of giving it up altogether.

05-26-2005, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by bajanempress@May 25 2005, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the great info guys!

I'm moving towards less dairy in my diet. I've cut out the 2% milk and yogurt and I feel so much less congested than I used to be.

Here's the thing, I loooove cheese I haven't had any in a while but does anyone know any good substitutes? I don't mind if it contains rennet because I'm trying to get rid of dairy, although, I eat chicken very rarely and I'm thinking of giving it up altogether.


supposedly, "follow your heart" is the closest thing to cheese. it's vegan and i think it's made by angel's kitchen, or something like that. i've never been able to find it.

05-26-2005, 07:20 PM
I gave up dairy, and my colon thanx me... Its mad at me about the beans, tho!

LOL! :lol:

About chocolate... just read labels. I shop ALL OVER the store. In the Kosher section you can find vegan chocolate chips, meaning without milk or dairy. Just read the label. And they are so good. I'm sorry I dont have the name brand, but the come in a red and yellowish bag.

As for cheese.. I get mine from here:

CHREESE (http://www.chreese.com/products.itml)

They sell it in powder form, its dairy free. The cheddar is the best. I dont care much for the alfredo.. It kinda tastes like cardboard, lol! I use the mozarella on my mega dope pizza pies, LOL! You just whip it up with boiling water and use it anywhere you like cheese.

05-27-2005, 03:38 AM
From American Heritage Dictionary:

ca-sein (kasen, -se-in)n. A white, tasteless, odorless protein precipitated from milk by rennin. It is the basis of cheese and is used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, and foods.[Ultimately from Latin caseus, cheese.]

05-27-2005, 01:16 PM
Tropical Source is a dairy free chocolate. And its GOOD! But its kinda pricey....
Vegan Chocolates (http://store.foodfightgrocery.com/chocolatebars.html)

05-27-2005, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by blufaerie@May 27 2005, 08:16 AM
Tropical Source is a dairy free chocolate. And its GOOD! But its kinda pricey....
Vegan Chocolates (http://store.foodfightgrocery.com/chocolatebars.html)


i just ordered from foodfight a couple months ago! i've never had ts, but chocolove 65% w/ raspberries is so yummy. have you tried the endangered species bars? they are fair trade if anyone cares. and i'm sorry, but i can't get with that chreese. i tried the reg mac and it was horrible! :( i have been avoiding the box of alfredo in my cabinets.

06-14-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by eri@May 27 2005, 12:11 PM
and i'm sorry, but i can't get with that chreese. i tried the reg mac and it was horrible! :( i have been avoiding the box of alfredo in my cabinets.


Girl, you gotta doctor it up, and when I make it (I have the dry packets) i use soy milk to make it creamy, then add basil, and garlic powder or fresh roasted garlic, and onions to make it better. The first time I made it, it tasted like cardboard, but after I fixed it up... ALL BETTER! You can make your own sauces, too. I have cookbooks and stuff.

Also I have the mozzarella and chedder chreeses, and I use those for vegan pizzas and vegan nachos( with homemade guacamole and tofutti better than sour cream, black beans and organic tortilla chips), respectively...

06-14-2005, 07:50 PM
there are vegan cheeses on the market that are not in powder form. i cant think of the brand name right now but they come shredded and in block form they didnt melt to well for me so i think i may have to try the powdered cheese. i have also seen a lot of recipes for cashew cheese but i have never tried it.

06-15-2005, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by blufaerie+Jun 14 2005, 08:58 AM-->
<!--QuoteBegin-eri@May 27 2005, 12:11 PM
and i&#39;m sorry, but i can&#39;t get with that chreese. i tried the reg mac and it was horrible! :( i have been avoiding the box of alfredo in my cabinets.


Girl, you gotta doctor it up, and when I make it (I have the dry packets) i use soy milk to make it creamy, then add basil, and garlic powder or fresh roasted garlic, and onions to make it better. The first time I made it, it tasted like cardboard, but after I fixed it up... ALL BETTER!
i did try to doctor it up! guess i didn&#39;t do it well enough. :( i used smilk instead of water, a little marg, and i think i might have used garlic powder, too. but the smell really threw me off. i was afraid to take the first bite. i don&#39;t know why...i love the smell of ny fresh from the shaker (or my open bag of tings :blush: )

06-15-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by blufaerie+Jun 14 2005, 07:58 AM-->
<!--QuoteBegin-eri@May 27 2005, 12:11 PM
and i&#39;m sorry, but i can&#39;t get with that chreese. i tried the reg mac and it was horrible! :(Â i have been avoiding the box of alfredo in my cabinets.


Girl, you gotta doctor it up, and when I make it (I have the dry packets) i use soy milk to make it creamy, then add basil, and garlic powder or fresh roasted garlic, and onions to make it better. The first time I made it, it tasted like cardboard, but after I fixed it up... ALL BETTER! You can make your own sauces, too. I have cookbooks and stuff.

Also I have the mozzarella and chedder chreeses, and I use those for vegan pizzas and vegan nachos( with homemade guacamole and tofutti better than sour cream, black beans and organic tortilla chips), respectively...


Can you drop some names of your cook books or sum recipes or sumtin...lolol :pop:

06-16-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by curlyredbone@Jun 15 2005, 02:52 PM

Can you drop some names of your cook books or sum recipes or sumtin...lolol :pop:



Hmm. The website I got the recipes from is http://vegweb.com/
My cookbooks are here (http://www.govegan.net/frameset.htm).

Those two are my main books. Everything else I get online.

I also wanted to say that I KNOW people eliminating dairy have the hardest time giving up cheese, but you cant expect non dairy substitutions of cheese or other products to be exactly the same, or even look the same.

06-25-2005, 03:45 PM
No Offense to anyone,But I have to have my Dairy,I cannot stand the taste of soy etc. I just go for my taste buds and eat small portions,I eat alot of greens, salmon, mackeral,tuna etc. and I exercise Daily and I have no problem with weight, or health digestion. But since our bodies are all different it works wonders for some who have gave up dairy,I went for 2 weeks without any dairy and I felt terrible,for some reason I have to have some dairy in my diet,I guess it is just me, When my body gets tired of dairy or when I get older and can&#39;t digest properly, my body will let me know. I also do a Colon Cleanse Once a month to keep my system cleaned.

06-29-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by kysses2@Jun 25 2005, 09:45 AM
No Offense to anyone,But I have to have my Dairy,I cannot stand the taste of soy etc. I just go for my taste buds and eat small portions,I eat alot of greens, salmon, mackeral,tuna etc. and I exercise Daily and I have no problem with weight, or health digestion. But since our bodies are all different it works wonders for some who have gave up dairy,I went for 2 weeks without any dairy and I felt terrible,for some reason I have to have some dairy in my diet,I guess it is just me, When my body gets tired of dairy or when I get older and can&#39;t digest properly, my body will let me know. I also do a Colon Cleanse Once a month to keep my system cleaned.



what&#39;s your point? are you in the wrong thread?

06-29-2005, 05:35 PM
ummy eah kysses, thing is we aren&#39;t bashing people who want to use dairy or trying to convert people to non-dairy, this thread is for people who are willingly trying to give up dairy for whatevedr personal reason.

I am not lactose intolerant but dairy aggravates my allergies, since giving up dairy I have been able to stop taking a nasal steroid and I feel much healthier. If dairy works for you that&#39;s cool.

I wanted to add that I found a cheese substitue in my local supermarket that I really like. Its made by Galaxy Nutritional Foods and comes in shredded, sliced or block varities and in Cheddar, Mozzarella, Provalone and Monterray Jack flavours. I really like them.

I&#39;ve also started drinking Silk sugar-free soy milk although I was never a big milk drinker but I enjoy it and it has the added benefit of having the same nutrients as gatorade so I can drink it before my workouts to stave off the muscle cramps I&#39;m prone to without the added sugar.

12-01-2005, 06:06 PM
bump! I am newly acclimating myself off of cow milk products onto soy (this is huge cause i used to LOVE cow milk and drink it religiously, but my body has said no more! so nothing but soy milk for me now :wub: ) and I also find it hard to wean myself off of cheese AND eggs? Should I just walk through a Whole Foods store and see what the alternatives are?

12-01-2005, 09:10 PM
bump! I am newly acclimating myself off of cow milk products onto soy (this is huge cause i used to LOVE cow milk and drink it religiously, but my body has said no more! so nothing but soy milk for me now :wub: ) and I also find it hard to wean myself off of cheese AND eggs? Should I just walk through a Whole Foods store and see what the alternatives are?
you can scramble tofu just like eggs. fantastic foods makes a tofu scrambler mix, or you can use your own seasonings. there are several non-dairy cheeses in wf, like galaxy, tofutti, and follow your heart. most ppl who were cheeseaholics say they don&#39;t compare, but some love them, so it&#39;s trial and error to find one you like. check the ingredients if you are concerned about trace amounts of dairy(casein and its derivatives). i think going cold turkey is the best way to go so you don&#39;t have cravings. hth and good for you for dropping dairy . :)

12-01-2005, 09:27 PM
I&#39;ve been semi-dairy since Oct 1 2005. No ice cream, sherbert or milk. I did have a lil cheese.
I tried that ice dream rice dream and it was okay. I&#39;ll try the Soydream next time.
Does any one take calcuim supps?

12-02-2005, 04:48 AM
<div class='quotemain'>
bump! I am newly acclimating myself off of cow milk products onto soy (this is huge cause i used to LOVE cow milk and drink it religiously, but my body has said no more! so nothing but soy milk for me now :wub: ) and I also find it hard to wean myself off of cheese AND eggs? Should I just walk through a Whole Foods store and see what the alternatives are?
you can scramble tofu just like eggs. fantastic foods makes a tofu scrambler mix, or you can use your own seasonings. there are several non-dairy cheeses in wf, like galaxy, tofutti, and follow your heart. most ppl who were cheeseaholics say they don&#39;t compare, but some love them, so it&#39;s trial and error to find one you like. check the ingredients if you are concerned about trace amounts of dairy(casein and its derivatives). i think going cold turkey is the best way to go so you don&#39;t have cravings. hth and good for you for dropping dairy . :)

Awww, thanks, i do think this will be alot of trial and error but im willing to go through, cause nowadays, i feel SO much better!

I&#39;ve been semi-dairy since Oct 1 2005. No ice cream, sherbert or milk. I did have a lil cheese.
I tried that ice dream rice dream and it was okay. I&#39;ll try the Soydream next time.
Does any one take calcuim supps?[/b]

I havent thought much about taking calcium supplements....i take a multivitamin and i stock up on my leafy dark greens (my fav is spinach right now). Was the selection nice for the Rice Dream and Soy dream?

12-02-2005, 10:25 PM
I&#39;ve been semi-dairy since Oct 1 2005. No ice cream, sherbert or milk. I did have a lil cheese.
I tried that ice dream rice dream and it was okay. I&#39;ll try the Soydream next time.
Does any one take calcuim supps?
i like soy delicious better than rice dream. i don&#39;t take calcium supplements, don&#39;t really think they&#39;re necessary depending on your diet. plenty of ppl in developing nations don&#39;t get 1,000mg of calcium/day, but they don&#39;t have osteoporosis. i believe osteoporosis is a disease of excess protein, particularly animal protein, b/c it draws calcium from your bones. if you are still eating animal products, i would consider a supplement.

i am supposedly at high(er) risk to develop osteoporosis, so i make sure i keep an eye on the calcium in my diet(eat some kind of green leafy every day), don&#39;t eat any animal products, and have recently started weight bearing exercise. i&#39;m not really worried about it, but your risk factors may be different. hth:)

12-03-2005, 04:22 AM
<div class='quotemain'>
I&#39;ve been semi-dairy since Oct 1 2005. No ice cream, sherbert or milk. I did have a lil cheese.
I tried that ice dream rice dream and it was okay. I&#39;ll try the Soydream next time.
Does any one take calcuim supps?
i like soy delicious better than rice dream. i don&#39;t take calcium supplements, don&#39;t really think they&#39;re necessary depending on your diet. plenty of ppl in developing nations don&#39;t get 1,000mg of calcium/day, but they don&#39;t have osteoporosis. i believe osteoporosis is a disease of excess protein, particularly animal protein, b/c it draws calcium from your bones. if you are still eating animal products, i would consider a supplement.

i am supposedly at high(er) risk to develop osteoporosis, so i make sure i keep an eye on the calcium in my diet(eat some kind of green leafy every day), don&#39;t eat any animal products, and have recently started weight bearing exercise. i&#39;m not really worried about it, but your risk factors may be different. hth:)

12-19-2005, 08:54 PM
really good thread ladies! I came in here cause I wanted to know if anyone had ever tried soy yorgurt...I was at the grocery store, bought some regular yorgurt, which I love, but can only handle in small doses.....I drink Silk all the time, so I thought, someone has to have made a non dairy yorgurt......reading here I see that people have tried it, I am going to the health food store later on today to get some, and some sesame sticks (my fav)....I have not totally given up dairy....I love me some cheese....but maybe if I take more out of my diet I will have more energy....thanks for the info ladies!!!

12-28-2005, 02:12 PM
Ok, I have had it! I know that I am lactose intolerant, but the stuff just calls me! :blush: Well, after last night, it can call someone else! I can&#39;t take it anymore. I know it will be hard, but I am going to try to cut out foods that have milk as an ingredient. I don&#39;t want to because that means giving up my hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts man!!!

It means giving up chocolate, mac and cheese, banana pudding (I can&#39;t digest bananas either), oh I could just cry! This is going to take some serious intervention. I was going to have some cheestos today, until I saw contains: MILK

Who makes this stuff anyway with all this milk!

I was going to wait until the new year, but my stomach is saying something different.

I start today. :)

12-14-2008, 01:56 PM

12-17-2008, 04:03 PM
i am lactose intolerant <_< .......when i was younger i used to drink milk and eat cheese and all that stuff with no problem. i read somewhere that most of us become naturally lactose intolerant over the years, which makes sense to me. breast milk naturally contains lactose, and when you&#39;re weaning your child off the breast there should be no need to have the enzyme anymore to be able to digest lactose, so it naturally disappears.

but i digress...

anyway, yeah i am trying really hard not to eat dairy like that (especially because i think it makes my eczema flare up at times), but i love me some cheese! me and my friend love to go to salsarita&#39;s and have nachos!

okay, right now i drink rice milk (either from rice dream or trader joe&#39;s brand) and i read labels but jeez, dairy is in ERRTHANG! and i&#39;m not really a fan of those butter substitutes in the stores because they are made from hydrogenated oil, which i&#39;m trying to avoid as well.

i&#39;m really bad at health, and i still live at home so i pretty much eat whatever my mom cooks, whether i want to or not because i have a crappy azz job and can&#39;t afford to shop at the health food store all the time.

do you ladies have any tips for cheap, simple food replacements for right now?

12-21-2008, 09:42 PM
OK, I have a question, and it may sound really dumb, but I&#39;m gonna ask it anyways.

I&#39;ve been thinking of giving up a lot of fattening foods for the new year (dairy being on of them, although I think I&#39;m gonna have a really hard time giving up cheese), but my question is how do you guys keep it budget friendly?

I&#39;m a single mom of two kids and can&#39;t afford to blow extra $$ on food...I have a hard enough time making ends meet by buying the bad-for-you type foods. But its all I can afford. :unsure:

So someone help me out please!

12-24-2008, 09:52 PM
OK, I have a question, and it may sound really dumb, but I&#39;m gonna ask it anyways.

I&#39;ve been thinking of giving up a lot of fattening foods for the new year (dairy being on of them, although I think I&#39;m gonna have a really hard time giving up cheese), but my question is how do you guys keep it budget friendly?

I&#39;m a single mom of two kids and can&#39;t afford to blow extra $$ on food...I have a hard enough time making ends meet by buying the bad-for-you type foods. But its all I can afford. :unsure:

So someone help me out please!

Well, I&#39;m a vegetarian trying to go vegan, and the foods I eat are cheap. Canned fruits like Pineapples are good because they&#39;re soak into their own juice, instead of all that high fructose corn syrup. And their around 75 cents to a dollar a can.

Raisins are also cheap, and good for you as well. I know that in my local grocery store they have slice fruits that are around 90 cents - $3.00.

I also buy organic. Organic bananas cost me about 2.50 for 1-2lb. Organic apples and oranges are around 3.00 - 5.00 dollars a bag.

Also beans, brown rice, wild rice, and oatmeal are also cheap and their good for you and your family.

Some good chips to buy are corn chips, whole grain tortilla chips, and lays potato chips. You could get some bean dip or salsa to go along with these chips as well.

A cheap but good oil to cook with is Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which cost me around $2.50 at my local Dollar General or Dollar Store.

Furthermore, Boca Burgers are normally around $3.00, Almond milk is normally around $1.99- 3.00.

Moreover, the only thing that I can think of that is expensive are those ready made vegetarian/vegan meals and nuts like cashews, almonds, and walnuts.

I think that if a person does not know how to cook, then their grocery bill is going to be high.

That&#39;s why I&#39;m trying to learn how to cook so I won&#39;t spend a fortune on buying ready made meals.

Overall, I think healthy food is slightly more expensive, but in the long run, if a person knows how to cook, then eating healthy would not be such a big problem.

12-24-2008, 10:43 PM
I forgot one thing, this website can really help you out when grocery shopping for vegan foods.

Here&#39;s the link:

I Can&#39;t Believe It&#39;s Vegan! (http://www.peta.org/accidentallyVegan/)

12-29-2008, 03:44 PM
Thanks for that link, I&#39;m about to check it out right now.

I LOVE Boca burgers...I tried Morning Star, but always went back to Boca. :)

01-19-2009, 02:35 AM
<span style="font-family:arial">@ serendity Ok, I&#39;m one of those people who can&#39;t cook...and you were right, my grocery bill was kind of high when I went shopping yesterday. I bet it would have been cheaper if I did it at Walmart though. Anywayz, I&#39;m really really trying hard to be a vegetarian. Its really only for health reasons. I can give up meat with no problem but milk is a huge issue for me. I&#39;m not even thinking about giving up everything that has dairy in it just yet, I&#39;m just trying to at least start giving up milk with my cereal which is the hardest thing I&#39;ve ever had to do.

I&#39;m a cereal freak and I eat it all day everyday. I tried soy milk, but I can&#39;t stand how sweet it is. I used to drink vitamite as kid because I was lactose and tolerant...I don&#39;t know what happened but I&#39;m over that now. I used to drink 2% and now I only drink 1% and I can taste a huge difference even in that. Is there ANYTHING that tastes remotely close to regular milk that is soy? I&#39;m afraid I&#39;m not gonna make it unless I can find a good sub for it. I have to have my cereal so finding this is a must. What does Rice Dream taste like? Is it sweet like Soy? I would have bought some but that stuff is expensive so I didn&#39;t want to waste my money if I don&#39;t like it. I did see "unsweetened soy milk" at the store yesterday but what does that taste like?

Also, is there a difference between "organic" milk and regular milk? I know some milk is produced using growth hormones but can I get away with drinking milk if its "organic" or will it still have the same bad affects that regular milk does? Sorry for all the questions! :blush: </span>

01-19-2009, 03:10 AM
I became allergic to milk/lactose about five years ago, so I had no choice but to eliminate all dairy. It&#39;s maddening how much everything has milk in it. If there is a whole foods or wegmans or trader joes etc near you, try shopping there for breakfast items, bread and snacks.

Always read the label. I&#39;m so used to it, I don&#39;t even think. Watch out for cookies, chips (some brands of tostitos have milk or whey), and breads. READ THE LABEL.

Replace milk with rice milk or soy milk or carob. Note that there are several different brands of soymilk, and some are unsweetened. A good store should have at least 10-15 varieties of soy, rice or carob for you to choose from. If they don&#39;t, welcome to the frustration of being dairy-free in this world. This is why Whole Foods is my friend.

For sweets, try dark chocolate! But read the labels. The following brands put milk in their dark chocolate - Dove, Hershey, Nestle, etc. You&#39;re going to have to go with natural brands.

Replace icecream and other treats with soy icecream and soy yoghurts. I can&#39;t remember the taste of dairy icecream.

OK, I have a question, and it may sound really dumb, but I&#39;m gonna ask it anyways.

I&#39;ve been thinking of giving up a lot of fattening foods for the new year (dairy being on of them, although I think I&#39;m gonna have a really hard time giving up cheese), but my question is how do you guys keep it budget friendly?

I&#39;m a single mom of two kids and can&#39;t afford to blow extra $$ on food...I have a hard enough time making ends meet by buying the bad-for-you type foods. But its all I can afford. :unsure:

So someone help me out please!

This may sound weird, but one thing I would suggest is incorporating asian-themed dishes into your weekly diet. Rice is not that expensive. You can stir-fry plain veggies, or chicken or even fry eggs for protein. Try looking for quick recipes for asian dishes online. I find that their food is healthy and budget-friendly.

02-17-2009, 07:27 AM
I am lactose intolerant and resorted to soy milk and it is not that bad. When a recipe calls for milk I just use my good ole soy milk. I just cook from scratch to make sure I do not add stuff that gets me colon in an up roar. I do not even miss cow milk! I know it takes time to eliminate bad stuff from your diet! But just adding a few things like soy is really beneficial.

02-21-2009, 08:52 PM
<span style="font-family:arial">

I&#39;m a cereal freak and I eat it all day everyday. I tried soy milk, but I can&#39;t stand how sweet it is. I used to drink vitamite as kid because I was lactose and tolerant...I don&#39;t know what happened but I&#39;m over that now. I used to drink 2% and now I only drink 1% and I can taste a huge difference even in that. Is there ANYTHING that tastes remotely close to regular milk that is soy? I&#39;m afraid I&#39;m not gonna make it unless I can find a good sub for it. I have to have my cereal so finding this is a must. What does Rice Dream taste like? Is it sweet like Soy? I would have bought some but that stuff is expensive so I didn&#39;t want to waste my money if I don&#39;t like it. I did see "unsweetened soy milk" at the store yesterday but what does that taste like?

Also, is there a difference between "organic" milk and regular milk? I know some milk is produced using growth hormones but can I get away with drinking milk if its "organic" or will it still have the same bad affects that regular milk does? Sorry for all the questions! :blush: </span>

They do sell unsweetened soymilk. You can add sweetener if need be.

Lucy's Pearl
03-11-2009, 04:41 PM
I eliminated dairy from my diet and I just wanted to share how much it helped me with my menstrual cramps. I had severe cramps but now they are very mild to non-existent. It has vastly improved my quality of life. Somebody was looking for non powder cheese substitutes I highly recommend Tofutti, it has no milk cultures and it is great to use for melts like quesadillas. I also love the tofutti cutie soy ice cream sandwiches.

03-11-2009, 07:29 PM
Raisins and nuts are a great snack and energy booster, but trying to eat full and nutritious meals is the safest way to get through it, imho. also, i prefer foods that don&#39;t demand dairy, rather than finding dairy substitutes that will inevitably fall short of your expectations.

i&#39;m not vegan or vegetarian, but i am trying to reduce my meat intake and i do not consume milk or eggs as they aggravate my eczema, nor do i like the taste of soya substitutes much (this is after almost 22 years of not consuming dairy! and I&#39;m 24!)

in the morning i might have porridge (I make mine with jumbo oats, water, a little salt and a spoon of stewed apple, or a tsp of brown sugar) and a piece (or two of wholemeal toast with avocado, tomato slices and a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.

for lunch, perhaps a pasta bake (tinned salmon, onions, sweetcorn, mushrooms, tomatoes, whatever seasoning I like, garlic) with some spinach and lettuce on the side

for dinner, some naija fare, maybe some okra, obe (a tomato based meat/chicken/fish stew) and ground rice or something similar.

Fruit is really useful for snacking, I love sweet fruit like bananas, pineapple mangoes and grapes. Soya yogurt (and icecream) is my exception to the soya-hating rule . biscuits (cookies to you guys) are my vice, but having fruit available helps. similarly, i&#39;m not a big salad eater, but love sweet veg like peppers or sweetcorn, so they find there way in my side salads which are otherwise bulked out with spinach and lettuce.

i love baking banana bread every so often with over ripe bananas, take some out and about with you when you need a boost or snack:

3 medium sized overripe bananas
3rd cup of margarine (I use sunflower oil one as you don&#39;t want to overdo the soya in your life)
3rd cup brown sugar (more if you have a sweet tooth)
1 cup and 3rd of self raising flour
a pinch of salt
1/2 tsp baking soda (too much more and you can start to taste it)
dash of vanilla essence
handful of chopped glace cherries (optional)
handful of walnuts (optional)
sprinkle of cinnamon/nutmeg (optional)

cream the marg and sugar together. Add vanilla. Sift other powder ingredients (including spices if you&#39;re using it) into this. Mash bananas separately and add to the mix. Roughly mix nuts and/cherries. Pour into greased cake/bread tin (the mix is pretty tasty raw!)

Bake on a medium heat til when pierced the knife comes out clean.

also, i don&#39;t know what availability is like in the states, but some people have fewer problems with goats or sheep milk which are supposed to kinder to the stomach. i can eat their cheeses with no problem (where cows milk will cause eczema for me) but as my body has never got used to processing milk, i find milks and yogurts more difficult to digest. as there is less competition, all of the sheep and goats milk brands i know in the uk are organic and bred to higher standards than with mainstream cows milk products.

there&#39;s a random selection of tips for you!

03-14-2009, 06:20 PM
No one don&#39;t need to drink milk. You are not a baby. Majority of the milk on the market is not even milk. It is usually milk mixed with process substances that&#39;s made of the same substances milk contains. I see why black women are so overweight. We eat food that our body don&#39;t agree with. Not everyone can drink that stuff and many people have adverse reaction to it, gas, diarhea, obesity, allergies, and other gastrointestinal problems.

03-14-2009, 09:16 PM
Cool thread - My eczema has flared up something awful on my neck - it hasn&#39;t been like this in years....and my intake of diary products hasn&#39;t really changed. I wonder if its now affecting me.... :huh: I&#39;ll have to switch to soy milk and put the yogurts down...see if it has any affect.

Do you ladies take supplements to boost your calcium intake?

03-15-2009, 08:28 PM
I don&#39;t know how I missed this thread.

All the information here has been soooo helpful. My SO has some serious acne problems, yet you cannot separate that man from his cheese loaded dishes, milk and other dairy oriented stuff. he also has some serious gas issues....and he himself even acknowledges that he gets crazy gas from milk and eggs even more so than his love of beans. Does he stop? NO!!! :icon_headshake:

I am about to put him on a Dairy Ban.

Myself included.

I live at home at the moment, so I basically eat whatever is available due to being a poor college student. But I am moving out soon and SO and I are going to have a whole life change.

Thank you for all the links provided.

We have been trying to eat healthy lately but it&#39;s really hard to get into the habit of reading labels and not just buying cheap and quick things.

I have noticed milder cramps when I stopped eating red meat for a month. But i fell off the bandwagon and my cramps are painful again.

The Milk Sucks website really opened my eyes.

03-16-2009, 10:54 PM
Cool thread - My eczema has flared up something awful on my neck - it hasn&#39;t been like this in years....and my intake of diary products hasn&#39;t really changed. I wonder if its now affecting me.... :huh: I&#39;ll have to switch to soy milk and put the yogurts down...see if it has any affect.

Do you ladies take supplements to boost your calcium intake?

i&#39;ve never had a problem lacking calcium, green leafy vegetables and even oranges are good sources of calcium.




this is interesting (and in the above link) too:
&#39;Vitamin D assists with calcium absorption so it is important to ensure a supply. Expose your face and arms to the sun for approximately 15 minutes per day. If your sun exposure is limited (for example in a British Winter), or if you are dark skinned make sure that you get 10 to 20 micrograms of vitamin D2 each day from fortified food or a supplement such as VEG1 available from The Vegan Society.&#39;

I&#39;d heard about this problem in the news recently. In the north of the UK, where the weather is less sunny, they&#39;re seeing a greater incidence of rickets in blacks and asians, who need more sunshine and vitamin D than the indigenous population.

03-30-2009, 05:34 PM
im a vegetarinan..there are still traces of dairy in my diet but im scrapping it all together as of today...im going thru my cabinets as soon as i get home from work and trashing (or giving away) anything that has a hint of dairy in it :)

also Odwalla Bars are super yummy esp the banana nut :wub:

odwalla also makes super healthy natural juices

04-27-2009, 01:45 AM
Raw cashew cheese! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69OgLu7RxOk)

I&#39;ve made a nut pate cheese like this before, and it was great! This one looks even better (lavender?!!)!

01-21-2010, 08:01 AM
So I'm lactose intolerant and it SUCKS! LOL I use lactose free milk when I can and eat some soy but I think the milk products and sugar are sending my eczema into overdrive (I just have all kind of issues). I just made some almond milk and I actually really like it. I'm sure it helps that I really like almonds. :D It didn't take long to make and it tastes good. I think I might do this more often.

any one in here make almond milk and have their own recipes? what do you do with the meal afterwards? I saw some recipes online for using it to make cookies and granola so I might try the granola recipes.

02-02-2010, 03:43 AM
I made a huge step and no longer drink cow's milk. I don't give it to my kids either.

We've been drinking rice or almond milk for the last two months. I would love to move on to cheeses and find some that I like that are dairy-free.

Baby steps. lol

02-02-2010, 04:22 PM
*sigh* I eat so much milk and icecream, cheese and whatnot that it's killing me in the phlegm department. I need to eliminate it from my diet as well, as it is definitely wearing on my singing voice...:(

02-24-2010, 08:12 PM
I've been slowly changing my diet and that I find hard. I luv chocolate and I jonez for it. Is there a good substitute? i've cut cold turkey but binged after a week, I really want to change. :offtopic I don't eat red meat and pork, but how have some of you sub chicken , chocolate for healthier foods for long periods.

Queen Amina

ps. thank you for ths subs snacks ysaiy

Queen Amina,

What type of chocolate are you eating? From what I understand organic chocolate has some health benefits. Google chocolate for more info.

03-10-2010, 11:09 AM
This thread is bumping! I also am trying to give up dairy, because it doesn't agree with me...but I still somehow love it. Its funny, giving up (chicken, beef and pork) was easy for me, but diary is a little harder for me. I will most def try some of these suggestions and let you know the outcome.

03-10-2010, 03:47 PM
After reading this thread, I have decided to try and give up dairy. I'm starting off slow by allowing myself to only have dairy 3x a week and gradually reduce it so that I will be completely dairy-free by May.

I notice that a lot of people that don't do dairy also don't do eggs. Do you consider eggs dairy? Or is it because you don't want to eat any animaly by-product?

03-10-2010, 07:48 PM
After reading this thread, I have decided to try and give up dairy. I'm starting off slow by allowing myself to only have dairy 3x a week and gradually reduce it so that I will be completely dairy-free by May.

I notice that a lot of people that don't do dairy also don't do eggs. Do you consider eggs dairy? Or is it because you don't want to eat any animaly by-product?

Good question.

I was vegan for a while. Giving up dairy was so hard because I loved ice cream. I gave up eggs because they were an animal product. For me, it didn't make sense to give up meat, but still eat eggs. I never thought of eggs as a dairy product, but I guess they might be considered dairy because they are in the dairy section in the market.

Now, I am just limiting my dairy intake. I can do without ice cream now, but I love cheese and yogurt so much.

03-11-2010, 07:44 AM
Thank you Kinkerbelle. I have never been a real fan of milk or ice cream, but over the last few years I have started to really love yogurt and cheese. I see those two being the two toughest things in my diet to scrap too.

03-15-2010, 04:19 AM
I just tried rice milk for the first time this weekend....I heart rice milk...LOL

03-22-2010, 07:36 PM
I tried almond milk on Saturday...Almond Breeze by Blue Diamond. I have officially replaced milk for my cereal. It's a close to milk as anything I have ever tasted. Silk makes almond milk now too. I got a coupon for a free carton. I will post a reply with an update after I have tried it.


03-22-2010, 09:44 PM
Just think of cow's milk as cows puss with a hint of blood and that should keep you from it lol jk. But I am vegan so I do not eat any dairy...for ice cream I eat coconut milk ice cream..it's delish!!! yum yum...as far as substitutes- I only drink almond, rice or soy milk...(soy you must watch for though because too much can cause hormonal imbalances). What else..oh I love chocolate- so I eat most cookies that are vegan chocolate chip and I am starting to bake vegan food...just finished a batch of blueberry muffins mmm mmm good. So it's pretty easy- just go to the health food store, after a while you will see there is so much out there. :)

03-23-2010, 12:48 PM
Just think of cow's milk as cows puss with a hint of blood and that should keep you from it lol jk. :)


Yep, that'll do it, alright!

03-23-2010, 06:24 PM
Just think of cow's milk as cows puss with a hint of blood and that should keep you from it lol jk. :)

Lol. I mentioned this to my hubby, and now he only buys organic milk. It's still blood and puss. lol
That wouldn't keep me from eating dairy (I don't get grossed out easily), but almond breeze (unsweetened vanilla) is amazing! Better than moo juice!
I've started eating more paleo/primal, so giving up dairy has been pretty easy.

10-27-2010, 01:28 PM
I gave up all dairy this month and I feel so much better. My feet and hands don't swell at the end of the day, I haven't had any PMS symptoms this month and I don't have my usual 2pm slump.

I actually gave up milk years ago, but was still eating cheese and yogurt. I just have to find a cheese sub and I'm good.

10-27-2010, 01:52 PM
I haven't bought an actual carton of "milk" in years... My son stopped drinking milk thanks to me and originally we were drinking soy milk but it gave me the same side effect as milk (gas) so I switched it up to Almond milk! The best invention known to non dairy drinkers! My son goes through so much Almond milk it is ridiculous (I caught him drinking outta the friggin carton yesterday!)
I stumbled across a naturally lactose free cheese called "Cabot" and is sold in Food Lion stores.
Spinach smoothies with almond milk and I add some parsely and flax seed!
No beef and no pork and I'm tryin to get off of chicken but "It keeps callin me" (my pookie junkie voice!)

11-14-2010, 04:31 AM
I'm in the process of convincing my DD to give up dairy and it looks like I'm making some headway.

She has asthma and is having a cough. After I explained that dairy is bad for asthma, she started avoiding dairy. Only time will tell.

au napptural
11-15-2010, 04:14 AM
bump 1010101010

11-15-2010, 04:51 AM
I am addicted to ice cream, so imagine my anger/frustration/sadness several years ago when I realized I was becoming lactose intolerant. My body hates me for days if I eat any traditional ice cream.:(o) Every once in a while when I see a pint of Blue Bell or Haagan Daz my soul gently weeps at the knowledge that I can no longer eat real ice cream. :(

I think it’s pretty safe to say that over the past 6 or 7 years, I’ve tried maybe 90% of the non-dairy ice creams that exist in grocery stores, and I’ve hated most of them. Earlier this year, I finally came across a non-dairy ice cream that I absolutely love (not like, but love), which is made from hemp milk. It’s called Tempt (http://www.livingharvest.com/products/ice-cream). I highly recommend it.

My soul is whole once again. :)

11-15-2010, 10:59 PM
Cow puss? Oy. I don't drink cow's milk anymore thank goodness. It has been hard (no lie) to give up cheese, but I am still working at it....

11-16-2010, 03:28 PM
I love me some Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, but Silk's almond milk tastes a bit too rich for me.

Anyone found any good subs for cheese? I must try Tempt!

11-23-2010, 02:36 PM

11-24-2010, 08:08 PM
Im quite found of Blue Diamond Almond Breeze as well. I like the Original one.

I am looking for cheese substitutes too. I have tried Diaya cheese and I can definitely do without. I don't like it one bit. I have tried Rice cheese too. It didn't melt and it has a taste.

I also tried the So Delicious Non Dairy ice cream. I like it but it has a after taste and that I can do without. So, my search for non dairy ice cream continues. I love ice cream so I gotta find something.

Oh yeah, in the process of converting to a Vegan!

Go Vegans!!!

I love me some Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, but Silk's almond milk tastes a bit too rich for me.

Anyone found any good subs for cheese? I must try Tempt!

11-24-2010, 09:05 PM
i love me some blue diamond almond milk. the best. the only time i get silk is when the stores are out of blue diamond. chocolate is the best.

i'm trying to do the no dairy thing. i used to be a serious whole milk drinker. then i was drinking soy and now almond. tried rice milk and hated it.

i just love me some cheese and yogurt. trying to get away from the cheese but don't know if i can do without my yogurt.

11-28-2010, 12:11 AM
really good thread ladies! I came in here cause I wanted to know if anyone had ever tried soy yorgurt...I was at the grocery store, bought some regular yorgurt, which I love, but can only handle in small doses.....I drink Silk all the time, so I thought, someone has to have made a non dairy yorgurt......reading here I see that people have tried it, I am going to the health food store later on today to get some, and some sesame sticks (my fav)....I have not totally given up dairy....I love me some cheese....but maybe if I take more out of my diet I will have more energy....thanks for the info ladies!!!

Hey, I've tried soy yogurt a few times and it's not bad...it looks different from the regular yogurt but I just pushed that out of my mind.....

Been a vegetarian for three years now and as other have said it just takes more patience...label reading (which I always do anyways)....I've really grown to love Almond Milk and I drink that instead of the soy milk.....buy organic cheese (also pretty difficult) I live in the Bahamas and the vegetarian lifestyle simply ins't the norm...it's not part of of culture so I end up spending a pretty penny grocery shopping but it's worth it to me

12-22-2010, 07:10 PM
I definitely can attest to the phlegm. I use to eat alot of dairy too. I just started my transition to Vegan (a month strong). Alot of the mucus and caught right up in my throat. I plan on ordering the Mucus Buster from dherbs to help with that.

*sigh* I eat so much milk and icecream, cheese and whatnot that it's killing me in the phlegm department. I need to eliminate it from my diet as well, as it is definitely wearing on my singing voice...:(

09-19-2011, 06:28 PM

I am noticing a sensitivity to dairy in my body. But where do I begin my transition?

09-19-2011, 08:25 PM
lafeeka- if you are noticing a sensitivity to dairy- get something to replace it...I would suggest Almond milk for cooking or cereal -or whatever you desire...I would replace cheese with soy alternatives such as Daiya Vegan Cheese...I would also replace Ice cream with Coconut Ice Cream- these items are all relatively easy to find and should be at your local grocer. Let me know if you need more assistance in replacing your dairy items.. :)

09-24-2011, 06:53 PM
I bought almond milk and all this week have had very little dairy (splash of milk and butter in the mashed potatoes i made) And my stomach couldnt have been happier this week. Is there Vegan sour cream as well I love me some sour cream!?!

09-24-2011, 08:15 PM
It sure is Lafeeka...there is a brand called Vegan Gourmet Sour Cream and Toffuti sour cream...I used to love bagels with cream cheese...so I know what you mean...but there are alternatives for everything..trust me

09-24-2011, 09:54 PM
Also you can buy EARTH BALANCE for a replacement for butter...just fyi