View Full Version : Poor College Student Moving To All White Town Needs Help!

04-29-2008, 06:08 AM
Hi my name is Dee and I will be transferring school will be living in portland, Maine if portland is anything like Anchorage, Ak I know that they won't have a lot of beauty products for blacks can you imagine to braid your hair it cost $350 that was so shocking coming from florida. I really like leave in cond. and sprays I learn not to comb my hair with being wet. right now my hair is in braids and I use motions leave in cond. spray sometimes the hair grease the white color one I love that stuff in the green bottle it suppose to be natural i think it's called olive oil well i used the shampoo cond. and hair oil. and I also use horse fungicide and dr. miracle temple balm. In maine they truly do have 4 easons including winter. Alaska was hard for me not on my body love the cold but on my hair from aug to dec didn't have any weave and it got below zero alot and can you mix that with wet hair. so I don't want to spend any money up there unless maybe for a trim. so I would like to make 12 month supply for all 4 seasons my buget is 75 max. I know this might sound wrong but unless you have really straight hair white people don't know how to cut natural black hair only few i met but they were from down south. And also does anyone know a web site that sells pretty scarf that aren't hard to wrap I'm a beginner.

04-29-2008, 12:26 PM
I have spent a bit of time in Maine during my teens and if I remember correctly Portland may have been one of the few areas that did have some diversity. That and Bangor. I don't want to make it seem like there was a huge amount of people of color...but there were much more than I saw in most of the state. And wherever there are black women, there are hair supply stores or some one who has the hook up to where to get them. :)

However, I have one suggestion. If possible, see if some friends or family can spare some of their unused products that you can use. Or maybe they can send you a care package of any staples that you cannot find or afford once you move.

Or, it may be an issue of just getting to Maine and figuring out how to make the best of things once you get there. You may have enjoyed certain products before but when you get there decide that some castor oil from the local drugstore replaces much of what you were used to using.


04-30-2008, 01:14 AM
You'd be surprised at how many ladies on here have more trust for white stylists to trim their hair. That's something experience will teach you, so don't count them out automatically.

I agree with ElmCityTina; if people can't spare anything, tale the recipes from here, buy what you need and start making your own products.

04-30-2008, 02:01 AM
Here is a link to "Homemade Recipes for the Natural Woman"
