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Thread: Cutting Hair

  1. #1
    mochalocks Guest


    How often do you do it?.. Do it yourself, or do you go to the salon?

    I still have a little bit of permed hair, and I'm thinking about just cutting those ends off myself, or should I go to the salon, and let them do it for me?


  2. #2
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    i cut it off myself. I just woke up in the night took my big scissors and chop off all that permed ends . Yes i know i was crazy! :tiptoe

    But i don't regret anything it grew back very fast.

    I think i have to tell you i spent the first month wearing scarves and headwrapps. if i had been to the salon i probably wouldn't have worn them. i am sure the beautician would have done a better job. :lol

    Naturalay :bis
    After 8 years of locks , back to loose hair!!

  3. #3
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    I trim at least once every 3 months and I do it myself. When I go to salon they want me to blow dry my hair straight which is a big pain.
    When I transitioned I did the trims and the final cut.
    I'm Thee Itcha, let me putcha in the pitcha
    The Notorious Tan.Gl.Eee
    hair type 4 thick (density), medium-fine (strand diameter), soft/spongy (texture), (length) 9-12 inches, shrinkage 60-80%, (curl size) pen spring to pencil size, highly porous, low elasticity

    Thank you for PANKING me!

  4. #4
    mochalocks Guest


    Originally posted by kinkykhick@May 8 2004, 01:51 PM
    I trim at least once every 3 months and I do it myself. When I go to salon they want me to blow dry my hair straight which is a big pain.
    When I transitioned I did the trims and the final cut.
    ohhh I see..thank you..great advice

  5. #5
    mochalocks Guest


    Originally posted by naturalay@May 8 2004, 10:47 AM
    i cut it off myself. I just woke up in the night took my big scissors and chop off all that permed ends . Yes i know i was crazy! :tiptoe

    But i don't regret anything it grew back very fast.

    I think i have to tell you i spent the first month wearing scarves and headwrapps. if i had been to the salon i probably wouldn't have worn them. i am sure the beautician would have done a better job. :lol

    Naturalay :bis
    thank you for responding.. great advice..


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