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  1. #1
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    Default Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.

    Hi everyone, new to the forum today. I have been looking for a forum similar to some old forums I belongs too that are pretty much abandoned. I've been all natural for about 20 years. I managed to grow my hair to about an inch above mid back length in the past. I just cut it myself to start fresh with clean and even ends. And I tried starting a hair growth challenge with the other natural girls at work but they weren't into it. So I started by myself on November 12th.

    My issue is other than the article I just read on another thread here by the creator. Every single source online says your hair can ONLY grow 1/2 inch per month. 6 inches per year. But how can that be true if we are all different and unique but all of our hair growth is exactly the same??? I've seen so many commenters (in other forums/social media outlets) argue or call each other liars if the hair grew any longer than 1/2 an inch.

    But for this challenge. Just for my eyes only, I took a video to help keep track of my growth visually with dates and everything. I measured my hair two days ago and my growth is an inch, actually just slightly over an inch. I measured it 10 times, and watch my original video while measuring to make sure I match the measurements perfectly and use the same area of hair. And took a video of it and compared the too. I grew just over an inch and it hasn't been a whole month yet.

    I'm going nuts, is this possible? Im afraid to post anywhere else because people can be just plain mean. I'm happy about the growth. But it is unexpected. I'm not sure how to feel. In my mind after all the research I just keep telling myself somehow I measured incorrectly. But is the research wrong?

    Is half an inch all that there is?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.


    I'm also new and I think that every person is different and depending on their genetics and hair care routines they can grow hair at a fast rate. I am not one to fall for miracle or magic hair growth stories but I have a lot of friends and family members whose hair grows very fast. There's a girl at work that has beautiful hair and she cuts it shoulder length all the time because it grows so fast. She cut it shoulder length in the summer and it's down to her lower back again now.

    My sister for example used to have amazing long hair and nails but has damaged her hair badly over the years with poor diet and over styling with heat. Now she can't seem to grow her hair past her shoulders. She also had a baby a few years ago and had a lot of bald spots so hormones definitely affect your hair.

    I think my hair grows pretty fast too but I always cut it cuz the longer it gets the harder it is to handle. I mostly always end up cutting it myself cuz I dont trust other people to cut it. It comes out uneven but since I wear it curly it's . hard to tell. I recently colored my hair and haven't touched up my roots and I notice the amount of growth is pretty neat for the time. I colored my hair in september and right now I have just about 2 inches of growth. however I notice that my edges grow slower and it's prone to dryness and breakage. Right now my hair is freaking out and wont even curl after a professional haircut and me using head and shoulders. But i'm going back to oiling and religious deep conditioning.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.

    Greetings and welcome to Nappturality!
    I am still here and even though it seems the forums are quiet, all questions are answered - will never be abandoned and yes, social media has pretty much killed online black haircare forum communities which is sad because we re not supporting our own...
    (that's another ABW story for another thread) BUT anyways...

    You are right in that genetics play a big part in hair growth cycles. Some strands have longer cycles than others, some follow different cycle phases around your scalp. Hair grows at different speeds and to different lengths on your head. An example is why the hair at your nape and at your temples doesn't get as long as the hair from your crown. However, in saying that, what people often do is mistake hair growth for length retention. I'm not sure if that article is the one you are referring to in your post, but I'll link it here anyway just in case it isn't.

    We don't allow insults here on Nappturality and no question is considered stupid. So you don't have to worry about being ridiculed here (we are not social media).

    Your hair may be growing but if you are not retaining length due to breakage, single strand knots or fast shedding, you will not see the growth and your hair may seem to not getting beyond a certain length. So you need to check that. Your hair can grow at different speeds at different times of the year, or depending on what your're eating and drinking. So whatever you are doing, if you are getting some major growth, keep doing what you're doing and keep a diary about what you're doing. I've heard of growth of over an inch in a month, when someone was on some kind of drug which I can't remember now - do a search on this form and you'll find some info.

    I know that some products claim to speed up hair growth and there are certain chemicals and natural herbal mixtures that can help stimulate follicles and hair growth, eg: caffeine -- a caffeine oil mixture I use has helped the hair at my temples fill in after it all fell out due to a hormone issue.

    You have been a napptural a long time - and you sound like me with the hair follies. I don't trust anyone with scissors around me either. I do a color about once every 6 months and I let a lot of growth happen between touchups. You don't say how old you are but if you are near the change, your hair will be one of the first signs of it. It gets dry, it may thin out, act weird, edges get thin --- girl it's a journey.

    And don't forget the value of protective styling. Giving your hair a break from too many products or manipulating can help you retain so much length and fill in some areas that have become sparse.


    Quote Originally Posted by NaturallyPosh View Post
    Hi everyone, new to the forum today. I have been looking for a forum similar to some old forums I belongs too that are pretty much abandoned. I've been all natural for about 20 years. I managed to grow my hair to about an inch above mid back length in the past. I just cut it myself to start fresh with clean and even ends. And I tried starting a hair growth challenge with the other natural girls at work but they weren't into it. So I started by myself on November 12th.

    My issue is other than the article I just read on another thread here by the creator. Every single source online says your hair can ONLY grow 1/2 inch per month. 6 inches per year. But how can that be true if we are all different and unique but all of our hair growth is exactly the same??? I've seen so many commenters (in other forums/social media outlets) argue or call each other liars if the hair grew any longer than 1/2 an inch.

    But for this challenge. Just for my eyes only, I took a video to help keep track of my growth visually with dates and everything. I measured my hair two days ago and my growth is an inch, actually just slightly over an inch. I measured it 10 times, and watch my original video while measuring to make sure I match the measurements perfectly and use the same area of hair. And took a video of it and compared the too. I grew just over an inch and it hasn't been a whole month yet.

    I'm going nuts, is this possible? Im afraid to post anywhere else because people can be just plain mean. I'm happy about the growth. But it is unexpected. I'm not sure how to feel. In my mind after all the research I just keep telling myself somehow I measured incorrectly. But is the research wrong?

    Is half an inch all that there is?
    Quote Originally Posted by Monua View Post

    I'm also new and I think that every person is different and depending on their genetics and hair care routines they can grow hair at a fast rate. I am not one to fall for miracle or magic hair growth stories but I have a lot of friends and family members whose hair grows very fast. There's a girl at work that has beautiful hair and she cuts it shoulder length all the time because it grows so fast. She cut it shoulder length in the summer and it's down to her lower back again now.

    My sister for example used to have amazing long hair and nails but has damaged her hair badly over the years with poor diet and over styling with heat. Now she can't seem to grow her hair past her shoulders. She also had a baby a few years ago and had a lot of bald spots so hormones definitely affect your hair.

    I think my hair grows pretty fast too but I always cut it cuz the longer it gets the harder it is to handle. I mostly always end up cutting it myself cuz I dont trust other people to cut it. It comes out uneven but since I wear it curly it's . hard to tell. I recently colored my hair and haven't touched up my roots and I notice the amount of growth is pretty neat for the time. I colored my hair in september and right now I have just about 2 inches of growth. however I notice that my edges grow slower and it's prone to dryness and breakage. Right now my hair is freaking out and wont even curl after a professional haircut and me using head and shoulders. But i'm going back to oiling and religious deep conditioning.
    "The truth is, your natural hair, in all its texture, is the hair that is ideal for YOU.."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.

    Hi!! Thank you both for your responses! I was mentioning other forums I belonged too like the black hair media forum. I am glad to be here and I really enjoy reading your articles.

    I definitely believe hair retention has been a big part of my growth this month. Which is shocking because my job has been the most stressful it has ever been, I've actually just been put on meds to help with my heart and BP and I've never taken any meds before not even Tylenol. Usually in high stress times my hair comes out in clumps. But I've added a lot of natural powders and vitamins to my diet. And I think it has kept my hair from falling out like usual. Also I've been keeping my hair in bantu knots, taking it down every two days to massage scalp, detangle, comb, moisturize and retwist back up in to bantu knots again. Washing once a week with deep condition, baggying. I have low porosity hair. I'm in my late 30's not sure if I'm going through the change, I hear it can come early.

    Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy. And this growth is possible, hopefully I can continue this trend. I really want to get at least 5 inches by summer. But any inches are welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by deecoily View Post
    Greetings and welcome to Nappturality!
    I am still here and even though it seems the forums are quiet, all questions are answered - will never be abandoned and yes, social media has pretty much killed online black haircare forum communities which is sad because we re not supporting our own...
    (that's another ABW story for another thread) BUT anyways...

    You are right in that genetics play a big part in hair growth cycles. Some strands have longer cycles than others, some follow different cycle phases around your scalp. Hair grows at different speeds and to different lengths on your head. An example is why the hair at your nape and at your temples doesn't get as long as the hair from your crown. However, in saying that, what people often do is mistake hair growth for length retention. I'm not sure if that article is the one you are referring to in your post, but I'll link it here anyway just in case it isn't.

    We don't allow insults here on Nappturality and no question is considered stupid. So you don't have to worry about being ridiculed here (we are not social media).

    Your hair may be growing but if you are not retaining length due to breakage, single strand knots or fast shedding, you will not see the growth and your hair may seem to not getting beyond a certain length. So you need to check that. Your hair can grow at different speeds at different times of the year, or depending on what your're eating and drinking. So whatever you are doing, if you are getting some major growth, keep doing what you're doing and keep a diary about what you're doing. I've heard of growth of over an inch in a month, when someone was on some kind of drug which I can't remember now - do a search on this form and you'll find some info.

    I know that some products claim to speed up hair growth and there are certain chemicals and natural herbal mixtures that can help stimulate follicles and hair growth, eg: caffeine -- a caffeine oil mixture I use has helped the hair at my temples fill in after it all fell out due to a hormone issue.

    You have been a napptural a long time - and you sound like me with the hair follies. I don't trust anyone with scissors around me either. I do a color about once every 6 months and I let a lot of growth happen between touchups. You don't say how old you are but if you are near the change, your hair will be one of the first signs of it. It gets dry, it may thin out, act weird, edges get thin --- girl it's a journey.

    And don't forget the value of protective styling. Giving your hair a break from too many products or manipulating can help you retain so much length and fill in some areas that have become sparse.


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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.

    Protective styles will be your best friend. Our hair LOVES to be left alone!!! #waterNgrow

  7. #6
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    Default Re: Hi everyone! Have a question about hair growth lengths.

    I'm using Goli Gummies. it is one of the best supplements you could take for hair growth. ACV gummies are best supplement for hair growth. Dandruff is actually the Growth of yeast on too oily areas. It starts to accumulate and gives a flaky appearance that can also cause inflammation and itching. ACV has antifungal properties and stops the production of dandruff by preventing the yeast from multiplying. Regular intake of ACV goli gummies can produce a difference and decrease dandruff[4].

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