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  1. #1
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    Default Lock Journey, 1, 2, 3, 4.... Drop Your Knowledge!

    What have you learned in your different lock journeys that could help someone else?

    This summer I hit 7 yrs Sisterlocked. Previously, as many on this site know, I was 6 yrs Braid-locked (06-13).
    I've learned alot. But here are some highlights:

    • Chill on the food products in your hair (ie. honey is ok but when combined with other products, honey can create a breeding ground for 'stuff and kill your locks, be careful...inbox for details).
    • Rosewater or filtered water is better than aloe vera juice to moisturize locks.
    • Less is best. Diluted shampoo, a dab of VitE and some water can bless your whole lock journey. Chill on products.
    • Sisterlocks CAN be maintained DIY from day 1. I did it, experiment successful.
    • Cover your hair when you can.
    • My mature Sisterlocks are lighter, dont cause neck pain. My Braidlocks hurt my neck at that stage.
    • My grey doesn't integrate well into my locks, all good though.
    • The locking process is significantly different for different installation foundations. It's been quite a different journey
    • Banding really is important for SLs during the first 2-3 months.
    • I cut locks to shoulder length for first 6, just letting them grow down my back again. My locks fit better in my bike helmet that way.

    • For me, life really is really more peaceful with locks and ....

    more later.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Miss ya'll
    Last edited by KnottyAuthor; 09-27-2020 at 05:43 PM.

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Lock Journey, 1, 2, 3, 4.... Drop Your Knowledge!

    I've had locks for 14 years. They are light and don't feel heavy unless wet or when in a bun. My hair is usually loose.

    For the past 6 years I have been trimmimg them so that they fall lower back to behind length.

    What have I learned? Hmmm...

    Keep it simple. I wash with a moisturizing shampoo and moisturize with Oyin Handmade's Frank Juice or Juices and Berries. I love the scents and have been using them since 2009. I oil my scalp and locks with home made ayurvedic oils and spread a light butter through my hair that does not cause build up.

    I don't use food products in my locks. The thought of getting avacado or eggs stuck in my locks makes me sad. Really, it does.
    I have maintained my locks for 14 years. It's my hair and I prefer to run my own fingers through it. I did not want to be bound to a loctician.
    I don't twist. I seperate and wrap the loose hairs around each lock to keep them seperate. I do simple styles. I wrap at night to keep keep excess lint away.

    Embrace your own hair. Don't become preoccupied with what someone else's hair/locks is doing.

    Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry.
    It merely astonishes me.
    How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company?
    It's beyond me.

    Zora Neale Hurston

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  5. #3
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    Default Re: Lock Journey, 1, 2, 3, 4.... Drop Your Knowledge!

    Quote Originally Posted by AutumnRain View Post
    I've had locks for 14 years. They are light and don't feel heavy unless wet or when in a bun. My hair is usually loose.

    For the past 6 years I have been trimmimg them so that they fall lower back to behind length.

    What have I learned? Hmmm...

    Keep it simple. I wash with a moisturizing shampoo and moisturize with Oyin Handmade's Frank Juice or Juices and Berries. I love the scents and have been using them since 2009. I oil my scalp and locks with home made ayurvedic oils and spread a light butter through my hair that does not cause build up.

    I don't use food products in my locks. The thought of getting avacado or eggs stuck in my locks makes me sad. Really, it does.
    I have maintained my locks for 14 years. It's my hair and I prefer to run my own fingers through it. I did not want to be bound to a loctician.
    I don't twist. I seperate and wrap the loose hairs around each lock to keep them seperate. I do simple styles. I wrap at night to keep keep excess lint away.

    Embrace your own hair. Don't become preoccupied with what someone else's hair/locks is doing.
    Any pictures ofyour hair, aside the one on your sig?
    Uzuri - May 2006 NoTM
    Joined NP on 2003
    last chemical fire cream-April -May 2002, Cut off all relaxed hair-Nov 2nd 2003
    LocĀ“d Dec 11, 2011, redid some on Jan 1st, 2012

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