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Thread: Chebe products?

  1. #1
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    Question Chebe products?

    Hi, all. I hope everyone is safe and sound as things are crazy right now between this pandemic and everything else going on.

    I found a new thing on Instagram (IG). IG is now a new place for companies to advertise their various beauty products. I saw an add for some hair butter made with chebe powder. According to that add and other stuff that I looked up, it's a powder that's used on the hair of women in Chad. Here is a post talking about it:

    The images I saw are great, so I figured why not? I ordered some chebe butter during the Thanksgiving sales. The site isn't the slickest, but if the product works, I don't care. Tonight I used it to twist my hair after showering.

    The tingle feels great, and if I get just half of the results that people claim, I'll be happy.

    Has anyone else heard about or used chebe powder, butters, or oils?
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Chebe products?

    Hi Scribetastic. I have read about Chebe powder but I have not tried it. I watched a few videos about one year ago on youtube of women trying the mixture but they did not post any results. Please post your experience with the butter once you get a good try of it.

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