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  1. #1
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    Unhappy I Think I Damaged My Hair

    Alright so here's a little backstory before I ask my question.

    I became a natural about 2-4 years ago and I found out I was a type 4. Throughout the years I really struggled to find out my curl pattern and my porosity as my hair looks matted, dry, and overall damaged no matter what I do with it. Recently, I decided I wanted box braids to grow out my hair so I washed, blow dryed and oiled it. The style didn't last long due to the fact that my hair was itchy, the braids looked loose but felt tight as if it was pulling at my roots, and my hair began shedding within the braids. When taken out, my hair got worse within the next week. More shedding, oily but itchy scalp, and matted strands. Currently, my hair is matted in the center, but straight on the crown/edges of my head.

    Did anyone go through this problem? Do you have any products to use for wash day and styling? Your help is deeply appreciated!

    FYI - if you see my profile pic/avatar, that isn't me I just don't want to show me on a public platform
    Last edited by lauren.; 09-27-2021 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I Think I Damaged My Hair

    Quote Originally Posted by lauren. View Post
    Alright so here's a little backstory before I ask my question.

    I became a natural about 2-4 years ago and I found out I was a type 4. Throughout the years I really struggled to find out my curl pattern and my porosity as my hair looks matted, dry, and overall damaged no matter what I do with it. Recently, I decided I wanted box braids to grow out my hair so I washed, blow dryed and oiled it. The style didn't last long due to the fact that my hair was itchy, the braids looked loose but felt tight as if it was pulling at my roots, and my hair began shedding within the braids. When taken out, my hair got worse within the next week. More shedding, oily but itchy scalp, and matted strands. Currently, my hair is matted in the center, but straight on the crown/edges of my head.

    Did anyone go through this problem? Do you have any products to use for wash day and styling? Your help is deeply appreciated!

    FYI - if you see my profile pic/avatar, that isn't me I just don't want to show me on a public platform
    Oh wow, sorry to read this! It sounds like you have had a reaction to the braid hair. If they were pulling as well, it probably made the situation worse and inflamed your follicles and scalp.

    You will need to settle your scalp down, and I would use products without chemicals - such as lavender oils and jojoba oils. These will soothe and help with inflammation. Do not use any shampoo containing sulfates, which will strip your scalp of any protective sebum. You may lose more hair as it sheds, but don't panic too much. It will grow back in.

    If you don't find any relief within a few days, it may be helpful to see a dermatologist.
    "The truth is, your natural hair, in all its texture, is the hair that is ideal for YOU.."

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