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  1. #1
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    Red face It's Been a While

    Hi, all. Hadn't visited or posted in a long time, so I thought I'd see what was happening here on this forum that helped me so very much in the early 2000s when I first went natural. For the record, I've been natural since January 2002, and I've never looked back. Aside from having to essentially undergo another big chop after a disastrous experience with a supposedly gentle dye back in 2009 or 2010, I've just been going along with my hair being my hair. After so many years of trying this butter blend or that oil or this treatment routine, I've finally—finally!—settled on what works best for me. These days it's a weekly wash, condition, and style with some gels and a foam. My fine but dense hair has never been happier. Turns out I was trying too hard all those years. There's a message there.

    None of you young'ns will remember me, of course, and all the original members are likely to have done as I have, basically going on about their lives. But I wanted to check in and say thank you again to Deecoily for giving us this resource when not much existed for us to sound off, share product reviews, and give each other support. Anyway, I hope everyone is safe and happy and doing their best in these increasingly uncertain times. Be well.

    P.S. I can't seem to edit my signature, but that link to my Fotki album is long gone. But if anyone is ever interested in reading about some of the travels I've taken, I have a rarely updated travel blog at
    Last edited by littlefish; 04-19-2022 at 12:59 PM. Reason: Update information in my signature.

    March 2004 Napp of the Month

  2. #2
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    Default Re: It's Been a While

    Oh I remember you!! I even remember what you looked like in your avatar! Somehow I missed your post though, so I am way late in replying.

    NP forum was pretty much killed by facebook much like every other forum. It's sad because we had so much to say here but lost out to the faster, huge social media monster that ate everything up. Regardless, I will keep NP going as long as it is needed. Interactive traffic is down but thousands of people still visit daily, to read. Time may have passed but our hair knowledge remains with the next generation. That's why NP is timeless.

    I will check out your link!

    Lots of love,

    Quote Originally Posted by littlefish View Post
    Hi, all. Hadn't visited or posted in a long time, so I thought I'd see what was happening here on this forum that helped me so very much in the early 2000s when I first went natural. For the record, I've been natural since January 2002, and I've never looked back. Aside from having to essentially undergo another big chop after a disastrous experience with a supposedly gentle dye back in 2009 or 2010, I've just been going along with my hair being my hair. After so many years of trying this butter blend or that oil or this treatment routine, I've finally—finally!—settled on what works best for me. These days it's a weekly wash, condition, and style with some gels and a foam. My fine but dense hair has never been happier. Turns out I was trying too hard all those years. There's a message there.

    None of you young'ns will remember me, of course, and all the original members are likely to have done as I have, basically going on about their lives. But I wanted to check in and say thank you again to Deecoily for giving us this resource when not much existed for us to sound off, share product reviews, and give each other support. Anyway, I hope everyone is safe and happy and doing their best in these increasingly uncertain times. Be well.

    P.S. I can't seem to edit my signature, but that link to my Fotki album is long gone. But if anyone is ever interested in reading about some of the travels I've taken, I have a rarely updated travel blog at
    "The truth is, your natural hair, in all its texture, is the hair that is ideal for YOU.."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: It's Been a While

    @littlefish you couldn't edit your sig because your PANK status had lapsed. I fixed that.
    "The truth is, your natural hair, in all its texture, is the hair that is ideal for YOU.."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: It's Been a While

    Morning All,
    It has been so long since I've last posted on NP....and I do intend to slowly get back to hopping on late at night, like I used to. I continue to value what dee has brought to the online natural hair community by purchasing another yearly subscription today. Thanks for all you do, Dee.

    My last few years have been spent as a caregiver to my late mother (RIP 2019) and my late husband Allen (RIP 4/12/22). My husband insisted that he stay at home when he passed, and I'm so glad I was able to do so. I was extremely fortunate to have outside caregivers I could count on, because during COVID, it was harder.

    Now I'm grieving my husband's loss the best I know how. Keep me lifted.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: It's Been a While

    I remember you, Littlefish!
    I'll be sure to check out your blog!



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