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Thread: Eczema

  1. #1
    Nappalonia Guest


    Hello Ladies,

    Does anyone have a recipe or know what I can use for my grandson's hair? He has eczema and the shampoo that the doc prescribed isn't doing any good....his scalp is dry and flaky/scaly and his hair doesn't appear to be growing.....his mom told the doc that the shampoo was making his hair seem worse...and all she could say was "oh it shouldn't do that" but didn't give any other alternatives So grandma to the rescue

    I would like to make some oil for him, does anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to make it too potent or whateva cause he is so young, but I would like to make him something natural instead of a commercial product with a bunch of unnecessary additives.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    happie2bnappie98 Guest


    Hi Nappalonia,

    My little brother has Eczema pretty severe. The doctor said that he is to have NOTHING with fragrance in it because the skin is so sensitive. The only advice I gan give you is this. Wash all clothing he can come in contact with in Dreft, this includes your clothing, bedsheets, etc. ; the only fabric softener we could find that doesn't irritate his skin is Downy for sensitive skin. The only soap he has been able to use is Dove for sensitive skin. Do not wear heavy perfumes. The Desonide cream has mineral oil in it. So if you wanted to moisturize his skin with mineral oil I would think it would be ok since it is in the medication. I took my brother took the doctor when he was about the age of your grandson, so I know first hand what the doc recommended. If you are trying to find something to shampoo his hair with, I would try searching in the drug stores or Babies 'r Us for a special shampoo especially for eczema. Oh the only other advice I have is to NOT over dress him because it flairs up the irritation.

    OK My son had oozing, flaky scalp as well. Per the doctor's orders, I had to soak his scalp with baby oil, take the little baby comb and GENTLY scratch up the flakes in his head, leave on for about 10 minutes and then wash with the eczema shampoo. It seemed a little gross to see all of that gook in the comb. However, it worked. :thumbsup: Anyway, this was done daily until the flakes disappeared and it worked for him. I really don't know if other oils are good for his skin, but I would research very good before I tried anything other than the mineral oil. I know he is just prescious. HTH

  3. #3
    Autumn Guest


    Hey Nappalonia,

    What your grandson has is called cradle crap, my daughter had it when she was a baby, it is quite normal, i massaged a little bit of oil olive (advice from my mum) just do it every day after bathing and it will go away in no time.

    ETA, sorry i am assuming he is a baby, how old is he?
    the olive oil should still work

    all the best


  4. #4
    Pookie25 Guest


    Shea Butter! It works. My son was diagnose with the same thing at his two month check up since he had flaky scalp since he was born. I started massaging his scalp with Pure Shea Butter and it went away and never came back and I stoped using it after it went away. And he is one years old now.

  5. #5
    daezhavoo Guest


    Pure unrefined shea butter....even better, mix a cream with unrefined shea butter and emu oil...((HUGS))

  6. #6
    Nappalonia Guest


    OK, 2 votes for shea butter....just in time, the carribean/jamaican fest is next weekend....I will get some shea butter for him....thanks ladies umpheart:

  7. #7
    wildkiki Guest


    Hey does the medication he use make his hair fall out, my friend's daughter has severe eczema and her hair is falling out

    What should she do, her scalp doesn't look flaky?

  8. #8
    Nappalonia Guest


    Originally posted by wildkiki@Jun 25 2003, 02:33 PM
    Hey does the medication he use make his hair fall out, my friend's daughter has severe eczema and her hair is falling out

    What should she do, her scalp doesn't look flaky?
    Wildkiki, he isn't on medication...the shampoo they prescribed made his hair start falling out even more. So I told her don't use any shampoo, just rinse real good with plain water and then massage some jojoba oil on his's looking a lil better....maybe when I get the shea I'll see a bigger improvement.

    She should see her doctor about maybe changing the prescription.


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