I just noticed something as I was reading thru the board. I have lurked here for a while, but I'm just curious about this.

I normally wear my hair in 2 strand twists, with an occasional twist out or french braid, but I normally have to do my hair every 10-14 days.

Now I noticed a lot of women complaining that they wished styles lasted longer and they didn't have to do their hair every other day, or every 2 days, or every 5 days or whatever.

My question is: How often did you do your hair when it was relaxed? The only time in my life that i have been able to get away with doing my hair less is when I'm wearing braids. Maybe it's because I have always worked out, but I have always had to do my hair every few days, washing/conditioning, the whole thing. Yes it did take less time, but I was going bald at the sides, and my crown breakage was phenomenal.

So I guess what I'm saying is in perspective, are we really doing our hair more often? Or is it that we are doing our own hair, instead of sitting in the hairdressers for 6 hours?

what do you think?