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  1. #1
    REGEE Guest

    Default What is your Napptural goal?

    Do you have one? I know as a napptural we all want HEALTHY hair, but do you have any other goals?

    Well, I do!!! I'm on a quest to get my 'dry' hair to feel just as good as my 'wet' hair !!!! I hope that is possible cause that's what I'm aiming for :?

    How 'bout you?

  2. #2
    Info Guest

    Default Re: What is your Napptural goal?

    Do you have one? I know as a napptural we all want HEALTHY hair, but do you have any other goals?

    Well, I do!!! I'm on a quest to get my 'dry' hair to feel just as good as my 'wet' hair !!!! I hope that is possible cause that's what I'm aiming for :?

    How 'bout you?
    My goals are the same as yours,I guess. I get lazy about tying my hair up at night so I guess I need to add that to my list.

  3. #3
    Kandy Guest

    Default Re: What is your Napptural goal?

    Do you have one? I know as a napptural we all want HEALTHY hair, but do you have any other goals?

    Well, I do!!! I'm on a quest to get my 'dry' hair to feel just as good as my 'wet' hair !!!! I hope that is possible cause that's what I'm aiming for :?

    How 'bout you?
    healthy and lenght!!!

  4. #4
    TeaKyoo Guest

    Default GOALS

    [b]My hair goals are length (shoulder length after shrinkage), healthy hair (minimum split ends, strong, thick hair), and to start getting trims more regularly.

    TQ :wink:

  5. #5
    Maestradiva77 Guest


    Even more length!

  6. #6
    NappyHeadedGirl Guest


    #1 Get my hair back to pre-perm length(mid back length)
    #2 Keep it healthy
    #3 Try my best to not use any heat on it at all
    #4 Minimize product usage to 2 conditioners and my homemade spritz

  7. #7
    CEE26 Guest


    i would love to have soft hair all the time.....long hair..(after shrinking)..healthy hair, no shedding..

    my# 1 goal is more's only been a year.... :?

  8. #8
    krazeenapps Guest


    My hair goals:

    To do my own successful trims
    To learn how to braid (w/ extensions), cornrow (w/o extensions), and flat twist my own hair
    To have shoulder- to bra-strap length hair after shrinkage
    Minimize shedding, breakage, and split ends
    grow my edges out to the same length as the rest of my head

  9. #9
    PoetryIsMyPassion Guest

    Default Re: What is your Napptural goal?

    Do you have one? I know as a napptural we all want HEALTHY hair, but do you have any other goals?

    Well, I do!!! I'm on a quest to get my 'dry' hair to feel just as good as my 'wet' hair !!!! I hope that is possible cause that's what I'm aiming for :?

    How 'bout you?
    I just want to maintain healthy hair. Probably figuring out how to wear my hair in a style that mimicks something I would've worn when I was relaxed say like a wet-set. Any tips?

  10. #10
    REGEE Guest

    Default Re: What is your Napptural goal?

    Probably figuring out how to wear my hair in a style that mimicks something I would've worn when I was relaxed say like a wet-set. Any tips?
    My tip would be.............try rolling your wet hair on big platic rollers w/end papers (I'd use a soft setting lotion-maybe diluted), and stretch hair taunt while rolling. Let air dry or sit under a low heat dryer. This should give you a curly "wet set"

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