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  1. #101
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    I have a 6yrs daughter that doesnt like to get her her combed let alone washed every two weeks. I have tried everything now i just mix shea butter, EVO, coconut oil and a scent in mixer lol. It was working for a while and then it stopped working on her hair. I have tried Carolyns daughter product didnt work, Cream of Nature shampoo and conditioner it worked for awhile, you name it a bought. Now that school has started i want to figure out simple styles but first i need to figure out what is wrong with either her hair or is it the product im useing? Help i refuse to perm her hair and she doesn't want her hair in locs like me and my husband

  2. #102
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    This is tough - you want your child going out of your house to appear groomed, so you don't appear crazy - but she is uncomfortable with the process.
    Have you considered buying her a Black doll 'whose' hair she can style, to get her used to the idea of grooming 'someone else'?
    I also suggest timing the groomings closer together - meaning daily, with a protective style for overnight. A healthy, active child can get his/her hair into a matted mess in a couple of days, let alone two whole weeks.
    Let her 'practice' briefly handling your hair, putting it into simple styles; so she's not always the one on the receiving end of the comb/head tilting. This way, she'll come to understand that some motion/pulling/repositioning is part of the process - not you trying to be mean/difficult.
    Have you tried combing her hair through with a high-quality detangling conditioner and a wide-tooth comb, while soaking wet?
    She MUST obey you in terms of head position/eyes closed/keep hair under flow of water even if it stings for this one, but I think it will held with manageability: Diluted acidic rinse (lemon, lime juice; vinegar) soaked through the hair, then comb-through, quickly followed by rinse under running water. Any cuts/scrapes will sting if the solution hits them, so she HAS to be told this in advance and HAS to obey you as the person seeing the water flow.

  3. #103
    Typhani is offline Active Nappturality Member
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    Hello everyone, I have not been here for quite sometime now but I am still natural and loving it. i am seeking advise for my 5 year old granddaughter. Whenever it's time to do this child hair she screams and hollars so bad. We try to detangle hair as gently as possible. I have tried what i use on my hair but my hair does not tangle like hers it's really easy to detangle mine. Her hair is thicker, longer and I feel so bad when it's time to get her hair done. i am looking for suggestions I don't want her to feel tortured and want to make getting her done a pleasant experience, any suggestion please.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Typhani View Post
    Hello everyone, I have not been here for quite sometime now but I am still natural and loving it. i am seeking advise for my 5 year old granddaughter. Whenever it's time to do this child hair she screams and hollars so bad. We try to detangle hair as gently as possible. I have tried what i use on my hair but my hair does not tangle like hers it's really easy to detangle mine. Her hair is thicker, longer and I feel so bad when it's time to get her hair done. i am looking for suggestions I don't want her to feel tortured and want to make getting her done a pleasant experience, any suggestion please.
    1. Detangle from the ends down while the hair is wet
    2. Detangle in small sections and if needed, put each individual section into a loose twist
    3. Use a light product that gives the hair some slip
    4. Try doing her hair when she is sleeping or drowsy. You can still do that for a 5 year old.
    5. Put her hair in some nice cornrows and use a sleep cap or stocking cap at night. A good style should last at least 2 weeks. This way, you'll only have to do hair twice a month or so.
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -Eleanor Roosevelt

  5. #105
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    Default Re: Children With Napps

    Quote Originally Posted by Daughter-of-Diaspora View Post
    First twist out in more than a year:

    I'm so proud of her because she is taking more responsibility to take care of her own hair.
    She actually did this herself (I helped take it down) :wub:

    Since she is getting older, she wants to wear her hair out more.
    We will experiment with a few styles and see how the health of her hair holds up... if it doesn't do to well, back to braids and twist we go, and she will wear "out" styles for special occasions.
    beautiful hair... you take care of it well...
    Palm Rolling... 125 locs... Nature's Protein Gelee

    Naturals Salon & Spa...

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