ive come to the point where plain old coconut oil tames the ashies 1 million times better than my stupid lotions. same with my shea butter and sweet almond butter mixes. they also have staying power/ last longer. i also love what they and some of my commercial hair products (all natural) do to my hair. im about to give up on commercial lotions and stick with my homemade ones... ill must forfeit having lotions that smell nice until i learn how to work with scented oils that are both good for the skin and the hair

anyone at this point?

also, any good scents that you guys would recommend that? im a HUGE fan of fruity/ sweet smells but im willing to try anything. what types of scented oils are good for both the hair and the skin (ie. is there a specific name/ type that i should only use)? where do you buy yours (im eyeing the oils on FNWL)? if i add a scented oil to a butter, must i melt the butter and mix the oil or is it fine to just whip it in?