so here is the low down..some how i conviced my SO to grow out his hair..he has lovely hair..its a very loose curl pattern. when i say curl i mean he has perfectly shaped curls..especiallu in the back and at the saides..the hair at the top of his head is more wavy then anything else. it dosent really form perfect curls like the rest of his head..his curls are pretty limp there. he has a healthy head o fhair..but i am running out of ideas of what to do with him. if he were a girl i could hook him up..but since he is a guy he afrid to do too much with hair since he works at an office. i keep telling him i could braid hs hair and it would look preofessinal but he is too afraid to wear he thinks they might not look good on him (which i think is his biggest fear) i will try to include a picture of him so you guys can get a feel of what kind of hair i am talkin bout..i am thinking of doing som comb twists but i dont htink they will stay (plus i have never done them before and and i am afrid they will not come out right)
he usually wears his hair loose..brushed to the back..betrys to wear it froy but its just so floppy lol..
its so wild..
funnny..if his hair were much more courser like mine is i would know what to do with it..but his hair is fine and much more curlier then i am used to dealing with. he says he is bored with it but he dosnt want to cut it off..he wants to see how long he can grow the mean tim ei need to find something to do with it becasue he cant brush it all summer cuz it turns into a frizzy mess.

this is his usually brushed back style *shrug*