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Paul was incarcerated.

I agree with you that Jesus is our best example. He's the role model for all times. However- the bible gives several examples of how God used ordinary people to fulfill His purposes. This is encouraging to me because, although I'm blessed, healed, delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit- I still struggle with sin. Am I happy about that? No. But I am encouraged that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit convicts me everytime my thoughts and actions don't line up with the Word of God. I still curse, but a lot less than I used to. As I grow in grace and understanding, I know I'll move to a point where I don't do it at all. I'm so glad that God loved me enough to sacrifice His only son, while I was yet a sinner. God didn't wait for the world to be perfect before He sent Jesus. If the world were perfect, we would not need Jesus or the Holy Spirit. God loves me in spite of my sins :thumbsup And He expects me to extend that same love and acceptance to others- I think that's one of the greatest challenges of being a Christian.

Happy Mother's Day