There is a young lady at my job who constantly would look at me but I interpreted it as she having an issue with me one way or another. Yesterday we were working on something together and she finally revealed to me she is going natural, started cutting her relaxed ends and had about 4 inches of new growth she is simply straightening right now as she transitions.

She told me yesterday she thought my hair was so pretty and she loved the body. One particular day she was admiring it a lot (that was the day I noticed her staring at my looking perplexed so I thought she had a problem with me - little did I know she was admiring my hair LOL) and yesterday finally got the "nerve" to speak to me and ask me questions about it.

It felt good to know wearing our hair in its natural state proudly, with our heads high and in ultra-professional environment and taken seriously by our peers and superiors helped motivate her to want to go natural and let go of the lye.

What compliments have all of you received lately?