Press Release!

Nappturality has been appointed the official vehicle for the first annual, World's Biggest Afro contest by the Guinness Book of World Records. We were asked because we are the experts on 'fros, of course!

Since this is the first contest, the winner of this contest will be the record holder for 2011.

Nappturality's administrators will chose the finalists for the competition and the finalists will then be contacted by the Guinness people, who will chose the winner! Of course member input is also important and the photos uploaded will be available to rank and comment on by all of you.

The finalists will all receive a prize from Nappturality (to be announced later).

The contest is open now to everyone, of course it is completely free, and will remain open for at least a month or longer, depending on entries (and dependent on the Guinness people).

This is the perfect time to show off your beautiful BAAs so take some pictures and show us what you've got!


GALLERY (which will show all photos once uploaded)

Have fun with it!

Also, prizes will be awarded for beautiful, healthy heads of loose natural hair, whether they are BIG or not. So get to styling and get to snappin!!
