Let me preface this by saying I am not a doctor and thus the following should not be construed as medical advice:

I used to have SEVERE cramps a few years ago. I'm talking balled over in the fetus position, 800mg of motrin every 4 hours, heat pack severe.

I started looking up natural remedies to alleviate severe cramps. In addition, I went to my doctor, who confirmed I had fibroids. I elected to not have surgery because I want kids.

That said, I purchased an herb called Vitex (chasteberry tree). I also purchased Black Cohosh and a female hormone blend which I used after taking the Vitex.

The Vitex takes a little time to get into your system to work, but when it does it WORKS! My TOTM was never irregular, just heavy with severe cramping.

I took the Vitex and it cleaned me out, if you know what I mean. I'm talking passing so many clots and tissue I got scared. I had to resort to using the equivalent of post-partum maxi pads.

After research though, I learned that it helps rid the uterus of old blood and tissue that is dark (which mine was) and that your subsequent cycles should present with brighter, red blood and tissue. The next cycle presented with brighter blood and tissue. I kind of slacked off taking it but will continue soon.

I was also anovulatory 9-10/12 cycles a year and the Vitex helped me to ovulate, even though I was and am not trying to conceive.

I am also working out more, drinking more water, consuming less sugars/carbs, less red meat and minimize the amount of dairy intake and that has help considerably as well.

I say do your research and find ways to help that are non-invasive and natural. I also read that certain herbs eliminate uterine cysts which also contribute to cramps.