Quote Originally Posted by Scribetastic View Post
I'm deep in the matrix and don't understand the resistance to technology.
Quote Originally Posted by twix36 View Post
Thanks Scribe. I consider myself fairly tech savvy and I keep up with the latest technology. I just prefer to use only what's necessary in my life and I honestly can't see where having apps and all of those things will enhance what I already do. I don't facebook or tweet or use gps, so my phone would really still only be used for occasional internet, talking and texting.
I don't have a smartphone either. It's not resistance to technology. I'm like Twix. I'm not the type of user to play around with a bunch of apps and things. I'm a minimal user. Plus, I'm very mindful about privacy and how everything we do online is being tracked for commercial purposes. If I don't need a bunch of stuff on my phone, then I'm not going to get a bunch of stuff. Just me.