Eligibility And Restrictions

Please carefully review the eligibility requirements for this project. Eligible individuals must:

• Have four (4) grandparents from the same sub-Saharan African country. Countries of interest include Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo , Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone;

• Be at least 18 years of age;

• Have Internet access, be willing to take an online survey about ancestry and provide a saliva sample;

• Live in the United States in a state that allows 23andMe shipping.*

*Please note that we cannot ship or provide services to residents of the state of Maryland. Only one free kit per family. Family members of existing 23andMe customers are welcome to enroll in the project, but are not eligible for a free kit.

I sent my application a few days ago and yesterday got a confirmation of my kit coming in the mail next week. I already pretty much know what I am, as you pretty much have to be to even be eligible for this promotion, but I'm the most interested in the health side. I also think it would be pretty sweet if they find I'm like 0.1% jewish just so I can participate in more holidays