This COVID lifestyle has really messed with my hair routine! So ok I got kind of lazy - zoom meetings meant I could pull my hair back every day and not worry about wearing the same hair style day after day... Not being able to browse the aisles of the local beauty store and try new things, spending money on stuff I DO NOT NEED online instead of stocking up on my regular hair products.

On the upside, the daily headwraps and scarves, much less manipulation and more "leaving it alone" has meant a surge in length retention. And if you have been doing what I have been doing, you may be noticing more length as well.

I think we all need to do some pampering. Get back into the groove and get yourself a deep conditioner or mask. I wrote an article on pampering our hair and I am going to link it here for some ideas that can help you flick out of the hair rut you may be in.

Try a new style, buy a new product, do something completely different, or go back to your style roots. This journey never ends.