I've had SL (sisterlocks) for a little over a year and half. Always moisturize my hair, greasing the scalp and spritzing with product. My locks are hard and dry, I would like for them to be softer without the build-up on the scalp.

After reading some of the no-oil, no-product notions I'm gonna give it a try. I will mist my hair with water daily for a week and see if this helps any. Though I do not wash my hair weekly. I wash my hair less frequently than most mentioned. I think I will wash my hair to get the product off my scalp and start the no-product regimen.

Is anyone wrapping their hair in a scarf at night?
Is frequent (weekly) washing necessary?

Also, I want to think everyone that provided styling tips but open for more.

ointlaugh: divawcs :hug: