I think it would be nice if the crafty ladies, shared their craftiness with each other! Inspired by Jazitones' very successful Random Acts of Kindness thread, I think it we should spread some Random Acts of Craftiness; where you give the gift of your creativity to someone else, be it something drawn, knitted, sewn, etc.

The rules: You can pick a specific person that you'd like to make something for or simply offer something that you'd like to give and someone could come in and claim it. People could also "wish" for certain things. The gifts don't have to be much just a little something to show your crafty side. Also, another idea is to give craft related items, instead of creating something you could give a craft supply (yarn, scrap fabrics, paint your not gonna use, beads from your old stash, whatever you choose).

So what do you ladies think? Good idea or no?

Here's the Random Acts of Kindnes thread. You should check it out too: http://www.nappturality.com/forum/index.ph...opic=62961&st=0